Not in pain(Villainess Version)

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Reader x Villain girl group

Insight:You and the girls got back from a huge brawl with the heros.You power being an increase of senses.Such as heightened taste,touch,eyesight,and hearing.And also means your reflexes were higher then most.So during the battle you tried to take as many hits for the girls you could.But you never let it show as you knew the girls always needed bangding up and already dealt with a lot in and out of the costum.

Noones pov:You were giving Harley a piggy back ride into the base as she was tired and bruised.You all were but all of you tried not to make a big deal out of your injuries.”Ugh! Those super-brats are always running our fun.”Leslie groaned as she flopped down onto the couch.Dorris sat down beside her but she didn’t have any energy to say anything as she was exhausted.”I couldn’t agree more all you were doing was a little window shopping!”Selina sit down on the couch arm holding her head as she had a headache.”Sit down girls.Me and ivy will run up to grab the frist aid.Put something on tv and no leslie no horror movies you know how harley is when she’s like this.”You stated as you laid Harley down as she was leaning on Selina.You and Pam went to the bathroom and grabbed some first aid kits.”Sit down real quick pam so I can do your frist.”She sighted but nodded anyway.”Where do you need some at?”She asked reaching her other hand into the kit.You laughed “I don’t need none i’m fine but you girls on the other hand look like you got beat by the whole super world.”You teased her as she rolled her eyes at you.Ivy couldn’t help but give you a questioning look as you were healing her she took notice of each time you winced or hissed when you thought she wasn’t looking.”There you-”You were cut off by Harls “Y/n!! Hurry upppp Leslie is trying to scare me!”You sighted when Harlynn whined.”My plants aren't that whiny.”Ivy grains as she picks up the other kits.”Yea but they aren;t our harls tho.”You ruffle pam’s air before running off as she threw some petals at you.When you both arrived to the living room you rolled your eyes at Leslie and Harls pillow fighting and Dorris and Selina looking annoyed.”Ok ok children let’s get this over with.”You rolled your eyes at their offend replies.”I’m literally at least a foot taller then all of you!”Dorris shouts as she sits down infront of you pouting.”Oh hush you big baby.”You smirk as she shouts lightly at you.At least she had some energy back.Pam was helping Selina but kept staring over at you.”Cat got your tongue?”Pam looked up to see the feline villain following her gaze.Pam rolled her eyes but pulled her phone out texting Selina.

Pam-Meeting Tommorow y/n won’t be there.

Selina looked up at Pam as if asking if she was serious.It was no secret you basically kept them all from murdering each other.Even though all of you were aggressive with one another you all did care.

(Next day)
Pam was sitting waiting for Harls to shut the TV off.”Harls!”Selina shouted as she turned the tv off for the blond.”Heyy! I was watching that.”Halrs pouted at them.”We don’t have time for that!”Pam stood up throwing her hands in the air because of frustration.”So what’s the big deal?”Dorris looked as if she was bored out of her mind and so did Leslie.”It’s about Y/n.”Selina pointed out gaining everyone's attention.”Finally! So yesterday after the whole fight and bandaging everyone I notice.Has any of us ever did that for  y/n?”Pam raised an eyebrow but was meat with no’s.”And they told me they didn’t need any and they were fine.”Pam countied as the whole group was worried but wasn’t showing it fully.”So what do we do?”Harlynn asked standing up from the couch.”Pay them a visit.”Leslie gets up as well heading to the door the other following but not before Pam sights “Shouldn;t we thought of a plan at least!”She groaned but followed nonetheless.(At your house) You were examining your bruises and scratches.You knew some of them were probably a little infected and you should’ve taken care of them last night but couldn’t bring yourself to ask the girls for help.Even though you knew the group cared for each other you knew they all had different stuff on their plates out of suit.You reached over for the ace bandages as something wrapped around your wrist.You quickly looked up to see your group standing there all in some state of shock.”What the hell!?”Leslie shouted making her way into your room looking down at you.The other following close behind “So I was right.”Pam looked over your body and wincing slightly at your body which was more purple and blue then your actual skin tone.”Girls what-”You were cut off “You didn’t even think to ask any of us?!”Selina threw her hands up out of frustration but you knew she was worried and concerned.”I didn’t think-”Leslie cut you off “We can see that!”You huffed “I didn’t think I needed you all to help! They are just a few scars.”You roll your eyes.Pam stands in front of you “yea they are but still we may act like villains but we do at least tolerate each other! So we would’ve bandaged you up!”You looked away and finally noticed Harly curled into your side “Harls?”She looked up at you with worry and slight anger “I’m gonna start bandaging you up before anybody else!”She glared at you.”Hand me the bandages and Dorris go find a shirt for them.”Pam grabs the bandages from leslie as Selina puts some ointment on the scars.”This was an idiot move.”Leslie flicks your forehead but sats down o the opposite side of you and out of the way for selina.When Dorris comes back she tosses the shirt one the bed “Don’t do this again.”She rolls her eyes but you smirk slightly “You care~”She rolls her eyes but sats in the middle of the bed as Leslie leans on her.”There now throw the shirt on.”Selina says as her and Pam pull away.You slid the shirt over and look back at the group and sigh “I know it was stupid ok.”Pam cuts in “You think?”Harley pulls you over to her as all the girls were leaning on Dorris and you were pulled in between Harley and Ivy “Hope you know your gonna be watch like a hawk now.”Selina ruffles your hair before laying back down.You roll your eyes “Drama queens.”You receive a few smacks and flicks but laugh at them.

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