Meeting their parents/friends

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Kara:She was not a huge fan of you meeting Clark.And she was worried her adoptive parents would embarrass her.But she couldn’t say no to you.”Are you sure we have to little bit?”She asked you with puppy eyes.You rolled your eyes “Yes kara! Now come on, you told them we’d be there at 5! It’s 4:30 right now.”You grabbed her hand.When you both got to her house.Your nerves shot up but you got Kara here and wasn’t going to back out.She opened the door “Hey yo we’re here!”She shouted.Two strangely ordinary looking people came down.”Hello! I’m Mrs.Denvers.”You shook her hand.The man came forward “I’m Mr.Denver's it’s good to see our Kara making relationships.”You all made your way to the dining room.You saw Kara cousin Clark.”Who’s this?”He pointed towards you.Kara saw you tense at his glare.”If you must know Kelly.This is my partner y/n.”She wrapped an arm around you.He looked between you and her “You couldn’t find anyone better?”You looked away.Kara put you behind her “Excuse me!”He just rolled his eyes at her “I was talking to y/n.”He smirked.You just rolled your eyes gripping Kara’s hand “Nope I found the one.”Kara stuck her tongue out at her cousin.All night Clark and Kara were arguing while her parents were telling you embarrassing memories.It was fun.

Diana:Her mom intimidated you to the max.The amazon’s do not really believe in love.So her mom was taken back when Diana told her about you.”So this mortal holds my daughters heart?”She asked, looking down at you.Diana gripped your hand “Yes mother,this is them.”She replied confidently.”Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to the gods for my daughter?” Diana glared at her mom “Mother!”She tried stopping the questions.You just held you hand up to Diana giving her a smile.She looked confused but back down.You took a deep breath “Yes,your majesty I would be willing to sacrifice myself to the gods,battle hades himself,and fight the kraken of the oceans for you daughter.”You bowed to her mother.Diana was taken back by your words but she felt so happy.You looked up at her mother.Her mother had a grin on her face “Diana as your mother..I approve of this mortal to carry my daughters heart.”She put her hand on your shoulder and gave you a proud look.You bowed as she got back on her ship.Diana pulled you into a hug “Y/n you have the heart of a million amazon’s!”You let out a breath “Thank god.She scare me-”Diana just laughed.

Babs:You lived with her Dad before your relationship.So you were nervous he kick you out if he found out you two were dating.”He would never do that to you!”Babs gave you a hug to calm yourself down.”We got this! I promise.”She kissed your cheek.You let out a shaky breath but nodded.She grabbed your hand leading you down stairs.You saw Mr.Gordon on the coach.”Dad we have something to say.”Babs drug you in front of him.He looked at you two raising an eyebrow “What is it pumpkin pants?”You saw her go red from embarrassment from the nickname.”Mr.Gordon I don’t want this to change anyway you feel about babs and if this causes trouble you can kick me out-”Babs interrupted you “We’re dating!”He spit out his drink.He stood up walking towards you.”Mr.Gordon I’m sorry! I’ll pack-”He pulled you both into a hug.”I’m not mad at all.I was more upset that you thought I would kick you out.To be honest I trust you with Barbara more then anyone.”That surprised you but you were beyond glad.He let you both go “Now let’s have a movie night to celebrate!”He went to go get snacks.”See I told you!”Babs kissed your cheek.You let out a breath of relief.

Karen:She was the one to have the idea.She already talked to her parents about you.So they told her to bring you over for dinner.”Karen are you sure they’ll like me?”You asked as she was walking you to her house.”Yes! I’m completely sure.”She was leading the way.But you could see her being nervous.So you stopped “Karen breath it’ll be ok as you said.”You hugged her.She blushed but smiled.When you arrived she gave your hand a squeeze for comfort.She opened the door.You saw two friendly looking people in the house.They turned to you and smiled.”Why hello there you must be y/n.We heard so much about you from Karen.”You smiled at the thought of her talking about you.”Hello Mr. and Mrs. Beecher.”You shook their hands.”You picked a nice one sweetie!”Mrs.Beecher exclaimed.They lead you to the table and you had a good conversation with you.Karen blushed each time they mentioned her talking about you.But they really liked you with Karen.

Jessica:You are not one to admit you are nervous.You are very stubborn.But Jess could tell you were by your body language and the fact you dressed in nice clothing.She was glad you were wanting to make a good impression but she still wanted you to be yourself.”Luv there's no need to be nervous they’ll love you!”She put her hand on your shoulder.You gave a small smile “I just don’t want them to think i’m a “delinquent”.”You put quotations.She gave a small laugh “It’ll be ok my moms are very understanding.”What felt like no time at all you were at the front door.Jess gave your hand a squeeze.You opened the door for her she went in giving a small thank you.When you stepped inside you were surprised at all the animals.You knew Jess sheltered them but you didn’t know how many.”Moms!”Two nice looking women made their way in with a snake in their arms.You eyes sparkled at the creature.You loved snakes (sorry if you don’t).”Hello! You must be Y/n.”You nodded your head “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Cruises”They smiled at your friendly tone.You gave a look to the women “Is that a Western Hognose?”The women were surprised you could tell which region the snake was from.Jess smiled, she knew you loved snakes and you were trying to make conversations with her moms.”Yes! Yes it is,That’s empressive you knew the region of the snake.”The taller women made her way over to you with the reptile.You smiled “I’m no expert but I really like the animal and it’s species.”They two women smiled at Jess.”Would you like to help with the other reptiles?”You nodded eagerly.Her moms loved you, they were happy Jess found someone who was nice to the planet's animals.Jess teased you about you being formal.But you won’t lie you had a great time.

Zee:Zee wanted you to meet her Dad.”Darling he’ll love you!”Your anxiety was high, like really high.You even told Zee to make you look good enough to meet her dad.She took your hand “Darling everything will be ok.”She led you to her building.”Daddy! I’m home!” She said as she got out of the elevator.”Zee darling! Oh who’s this?”He asked, looking at you.”This is Y/n!” Her father smiled “Oh so you are the person my Zee talks so much about.”You relaxed at the thought he already knew some about you.”Yes,sir that’s me.It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”You shook his hand.He looked over at Zee.”Zee you picked a good one.”Zee smiled pulling you closer.”I know!”You and her father talked about many things.He showed you pictures of Zees first magic shows.You actually bonded quite well with him and he gave you a job to help him and Zee at their magic shows.Zee was beyond excited that her dad liked you.

Pam:(She lives with Harley and Selina) Pam never really seen you nervous.But she held your hand the whole way trying to comfort you.”I’ll deal with Harylnn.”You took a deep breath when she entered.You saw a girl with blonde hair and highlights who was Harlynn she sometimes hung out with pam.”Pamey! Who’s your friend?”She ran over to you.”Harlynn, don't scare them!”You saw Pam glare.Harlynn just rolled her eyes.”I’m y/n.”You told the blond.She smiled “I didn’t know pamey cared about things other than plants.”She taunted Pam.You saw a dark skinned women come in.”Kit-kat meet Pamey’s lover~”She said in a sing-song voice.Pam just galred and rolled her eyes.They liked that you were the opposite of Pam you were social and showed more emotions.They teased pam about you for a while but she was glad that they liked you but she’ll never admit it.

Selina:You hung out at her house everyday.You never told her roommates out loud you two were dating but you thought they knew.You and Selina were kissing on the couch when her roommates walked in.”Pamey!! You owe me 20 bucks!”Harlynn yells.Selina looks over her shoulder “Betting on us really girls?”You heard the playfulness in her voice.Pamela just rolled her eyes “Don’t do that in front of my darlings.”She says as she pets one of her plants.You gave a thumbs up “Can do Pamela.”They liked you they also liked when you joined their team.Pamela was glad you respected her wishes while Harls was called you pulled pranks with her.So they took you in as one of their own.

Harlynn:”Pudden come on!!”You lived with Harlynn and your guys roomates.But they didn’t know you two were dating.”Babe what if things go bad?”You stared at her.”It won’t!! They are our friends!”You laughed a little.You all picked on eachother and fought sometimes but you all did protect each other.”Fine let’s get it over with.”She grabbed your hand and took you to the living room where Pam and Selina were.”GIRLS!!”Harls yells.”What Harls?”Selina looked over the couch.”Why must you yell so early.”Pam glares at her.She drags you over “This gotham girl is no longer single!”She holds your guys hands up.”Really? You interrupted me for that-”Pam just rolls her eyes. Selina laughs, “Darlings, you aren’t very well at hiding it.”Harlynn just pouts “Bullys!” She pulls you close.You and Selina laugh, you swear you saw Pam smile a little.They were your friends before you and Harls became official so they were alright.They were glad you could calm her down and keep her in check.

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