Thief Pursuit PT1

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DCSHG & Villainess x Reader 

Insight:You are a well known vigilante, you don’t take the hero or villains side.And you knew it bothered two very specific teams.You hate to admit it but both groups of girls have piqued your interest. But you would rather leave Metropolis than admit it.And so you take most of the girls' cash with you in the process.You soon start a cat and mouse game with superheroes and villains.

Noones pov:”Get back here!”You heard star sapphire shout at you as you were dodging her purple beams and bumble bees stingers.You laugh “No can do princess!”You jumped down in an alley where you were met with Poison Ivy and Grenn lantern.You groaned “Why is it you all only work together when I'm involved.”You looked around noticing Ivy’s vines hiding all the exits.”Cause we’ve tried it separately and it didn’t work.”Green Lantern pointed out.You couldn’t help the chuckle that feel off your lips “Am I really that good?”You knew it was pushing a nerve but you really loved getting on their girls' nerves especially Ivy’s and Jess’s.”The others will be here soon.”You smirked “I wouldn’t be so sure of that rosey.”You grabbed her arm and dipped her your smirk growing as she was losing focus on her vines.”Poison Ivy!”You heard Green lantern shout.You spin the plant controller into Green lantern.”You’ll get a turn one day green bean.”You sprinted out of the alley.You ended up in the park letting out a breath “Damn they are giving me a run for my money today.”You decided to ease yourself into a walk.”Well glad to know it’s working.”You pause and groan internally.You turn to see supergirl,livewire,giganta and Zatanna.”Well not that it isn't a pleasure to see some of my favorite girls but I need to go.”You mocked saluted breaking out into a sprint.”Oh no you don’t!”You heard livewire shout before sending electricity your way.You were able to dodge them but not without a little zap here and there.The ground started shaking and you noticed giganta slamming her fist to the ground.You saw supergirl and Zatana flying above you.”Real mature girls!”You call back at them.You notice some protesters gathered in a circle and smirked at the idea in your head.”Hate to cut this so short darlings.”You dove into the crowd.”Ugh! I swear.”You heard Zatana grumble.You stayed within the crowd as you moved closer to the exit as soon as you made to the side walk you sighted “God these girls are going to be the death of me.”Just as the sentence left your mouth you were pinned to the wall.You looked over to see a familiar yellow object.”Really batsy! I just got this outfit.”You glared at the four and finally girls in front of you which were Batgirl,Wonderwomen,Harley Quinn,and Catwomen.”Aww sorry to put a end to your fun puddin.”Harley smiled at you.”Not you harls your still my favorite.”You winked at her not noticing the glares sent to the interaction.”About you sentence earlier darling.I don’t think you’d mind dieing at my claws.”Cat women said dragging her claws across your face.You shook your head “Sorry kitty but can’t beat me at my own game.”You smirked at her.”Enough.We have question that need to be answered.And they will be.”You saw wonder woman's lasso of truth hanging from her hand.You chuckled “You all should really think out your plans fully.Yall should know me enough by now.”You took your hand closest to your satchel pulling out smoke bombs.”Taking one out of your book batsy.”You threw it down pulling the batarang along with your throw and running.You wer able to run the rest of the way to a broke down building without another interaction with either team.You wiped your brow sliding against the wall “They really did give me a run for my-well their money I guess.”You pulled out a few wallets and cash you found on each villain after you interaction.”Honestly why do they even have these on them.”You look over to your bags that have been packed for a little over a week now.”Well the flights tomorrow might want to rest.”

(With the girls)

“Ugh! How did they get away again.We’ve never had much trouble catching them!”Supergirl pointed over to the villaniess.Which resulted in livewire getting in her face “Your were in our way!”The argument started to grow as blames and accusations were thrown from all women.”Sisters/girls!”Wonder woman and Catwomen yell at thor respect teams.”Look I know that Y/n got away.But we have bigger issues.”Catwomen’s face was one of anger even if her voice was collected and Wonder women seemed to match her energy.”We have a concern that y/n has stolen are abilities of currency.”The girls all look at her with confusion.”She means wallets and money.”Zatanna pipes in quickly checking her pockets.”My stuffs gone!”Star sapphire shouted and soon more shouts of stolen property followed.”AH ha! I just tracked my card! It’s at..the airport? Being charged for a trip to hawaii.”Batgirl looks up from her tablet.”Oh no they didn’t!”Livewire checked her wallet again.”They robbed us blind.”Poison ivy wanted to face palm as her face heated up remembering earlier events.”Looks like we’re going on a field trip.”Harley Quinn says as they all gave each other a silent look. 

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