Vol.15 Ch.19: The Burden of the Selfish Support

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"I'm not gonna lose this race...!" Ronald unleashed Icicle Rain on the enemy wave. Thanks to the Attack Power he built early on, the icicles dealt sizable damage that was unexpected for a Support.

On top of that, the attack perfectly hit the entire enemy wave. The AoE was just barely big enough to cover all the minions at once, so it had to be placed carefully. But of course, for Ronald, things like that were ezpz.

"Yes! Clean hit!" Ronald grinned in satisfaction and threw a glance at his brother. He was like an excited puppy expecting to be petted.

"Hmph. You ought to be able to do this much to play on the Leopards."

"Haha. Yep, I sure gotta be able to, and I'm able to! That clearly makes me the 2nd best player on the team!"

"Are you trying to ruffle people's feathers here?"

"Nah, I'm just saying, bro. Me and you are the strongest bros on this team. So, we totally gonna wreck Gunz. Ezpz!"

Is he trying to reassure me? William smiled thinly. "Well, at least I know I can defeat Gunz. As for you, that remains to be seen."

"Whoa, the shade. Let's switch chairs and I'mma show you how I rek that guy real quick."


"Geh. Formation C when???"

"What's that, again?" William asked.

"It's like formation B but we swap roles! We've been playing like that every now and then, remember?"

"Oh yes, in Ranked. Competitive games are a whole different story."

"But, formation C totally gonna work here too, I'm sure!"

"You're 'sure' about many things and many of them turn out to be wrong."

"No, no. This time I'm like SUPER sure, bro. Let's just switch chairs for a moment and I'mma show you how I destroy Gunz."


"Dang, so unfair!" Ronald waved an angry fist.

Seriously, why did they have to play formation B today, of all things? It was the formation in which Ronald didn't get to exert his power at all.

Building power on a Support was cool and all, but it didn't compare to playing Top or Carry. Ronald could only entertain himself during the early-game with this setup, only until everybody's damage scaling left him in the dust; such was the fate of a Support.

"For the protocol," Cato interjected. "Formation C doesn't exist."

"Lies and deceit!" Ronald insisted. "It's like formation B, but with bro and I swapping roles."

"I know what you're talking about. I'm just saying it's not real."

"What do you mean 'not real'? Are you saying I dreamed that shit? What about all the times we played it during club practice?"

"What about them? Every single time, you had to beg Will nonstop to let you play Carry until he submitted," Cato said. "It was just a headache for everybody, really."

"Hey, it still means the formation is totally real, though!" Ronald didn't even bother denying any of the accusations.

Sure, for now, "formation C" was just a term Ronald coined himself. But, one day, he shall turn it into reality!

Like, real talk. There was no reason why bro should waste his precious time and energy dealing with some scrubs. Ronald was more than enough for the job.

Like, playing Carry is where I'm at my strongest! Ronald proclaimed. If I play Carry, I can destroy Gunz real quick. And, since everybody knows that bro is better than me, then me beating Gunz would count as bro beating Gunz! Ezpz math.

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