Vol.15 Ch.28: Teleport Turnabout

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"Crap!" Luke exclaimed. "They're coming at me hard! I told ya that'll happen, man!"

"I didn't expect them to actually go for it," Yuel admitted. It seemed that he had to slightly adjust his evaluation of these two "defensive players"

With that said, this development didn't actually change anything of substance. Yuel's plan already factored in this potential development, just in case.

"I'm coming over there now," Yuel said. "So, just try to not die right away."

"Pft, easy for you to say, man. I think they're planning to straight-up blow me up!"

"Go to the opposite jungle entrance after the Sorcerer places two orbs. That'll buy you some time."

"Yeah, sure, if I don't get caught but this dang Vampire first!"

"I believe in you."

Yuel was already halfway through the teleportation process, so he was going to arrive on the scene soon enough. In the meantime, he ran over the simulation for this particular unlikely scenario one more time.

In this situation, I just focus on the Sorcerer. Yuel reminded himself.

This wasn't the most ideal development he envisioned, but it was fine. Yuel's high-risk high-reward plan hadn't fallen apart yet. The big payoff was still very much within reach.

Alas, his partner in crime was nowhere near as optimistic about any of this.

"Dang, I didn't sign up for this, haha!" Luke tried to drown his anxiety with dry laughter, but it wasn't very effective. These bois are going for the kill for real, I feel it in my bones! But, I ain't gonna fall here, no way. The meme is gonna live on!

Luke had come so far with his Dark Knight in this game. He had a very strong opening, a decent first jungling phase, and to top it all - he delivered a devastating gank on Top that won Stratus a tower!

This had all the criteria for an impressive snowball that'll secure the team's victory. But, to make it really happen, Luke had to push just a little further, to snowball just a little more. And, this strong attack on Mid was the play that was going to make it happen.

So, I'm sorry to inform ya, my dudes, but I ain't allowed to die just yet! Luke waited for the enemy to place the second Magia Orb, and then he hit the brakes and rolled in the opposite direction. Gotcha, bitch!

Instead of continuing his retreat toward Top Jungle like the enemy expected, Luke pulled a switcheroo just as Yuel instructed and made a dash for the opposite side, toward Bot Jungle! They ain't gonna catch him alive, not today!

The sudden change of directions clearly caught the enemy off-guard. They never saw it coming!

"Seriously?" Matthew sighed. "What a drag."

"My, what a slippery rat we got on our hands here~" Cato smiled but it was a cold, scornful smile. Come back here, will you?

The sudden change of directions didn't only thwart Matthew's Resonance plans. It also made Cato's charge in Bat form completely miss the intended target.

The bat form had high speed, which was usually a blessing. However, at this very moment, it turned into a curse.

It was impossible to hit the brakes on this skill, so Cato ended up charging ahead, right past the target that vanished.

In order to make it back and assault Memer once again, Cato had to circle around in mid-air and do a 180. It was doable, but it'll be a huge time-sink.

Still, we have him cornered. Cato thought. This is just a little hiccup, nothing more. He won't be able to make it out alive by shooting for Bot Jungle, not from all the way over there. He's only delaying the inevitable.

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