Vol.17 Ch.9: Enforced Peace in Top

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With how the second minion wave played out in Top, EnduringPhoenix managed to prove that he was somewhat capable. At the very least, he wasn't one of these skillless plebs that Ronald could steamroll with his eyes closed.

As such, Ronald had to tone down his aggressiveness a little and look for a proper opportunity to strike. Alas, time went on and he still couldn't find any...

Wave after wave, Ronald sought an attractive opening to strike, only to find none.

Maybe this time? Ronald squinted his eyes as he examined the situation.

Technically, he was doing great. He totally won the lane exchange as always.

Actually, no, he didn't just win. Ronald OWNED that shit. He annihilated all the enemy minions but all his bowmen remained alive. It was a big stonks situation!

Therefore, this was a great opportunity to push, right!? Eh, not really. Unfortunately, this was nothing new.

Ronald has been winning lane exchanges pretty much the entire game. This Dragonborn vs. Vanguard matchup was easy for him, and honestly, Phoenix didn't pose much of a challenge. That guy was a defense fanatic through and through. He and Cato would probably be good friends.

Admittedly, the guy's defense was airtight, which was about the only good thing to say about his performance. Phoenix hasn't achieved anything notable thus far, but he did a good job denying all juicy opportunities for Ronald.

Aaaaand he's already back at the tower. Ronald sighed. For such a big guy, he sure moves fast.

This was the usual scenario. Ronald always won the lane exchange and had a great opportunity to push, except he couldn't. Why? Because the dang Vanguard always retreated all the way back to his tower at that point.

He really doesn't care about losing on some farm, huh. Ronald shook his head. In a way, he's playing like a total amateur. But, at the same time, he does kill all my chances to attack. This is so boring...

This obnoxious defensive playstyle resembled Sonya's shenanigans. That girl was always willing to sacrifice her farm in exchange for a more stable laning phase. That shit never made sense.

Any laner's goal should be to establish lane control and all that. You can't just stay holed up at your tower all day long.

Nonetheless, Phoenix insisted to do just that. Every damn time, he ran away from the scene at lightning speed. By the time Ronald started thinking about opening an attack - it was already too late.

Against almost any other class, Ronald might have considered pushing forward regardless. However, against Vanguard, getting anywhere near the tower was suicidal.

I'm not planning to get taunted into the tower, no thank you. That was the main consideration that made Ronald pause every time he had an opportunity to push further. There was just nothing he could do once his opponent retreated all the way to the tower.

Damn, this guy's defense is a real pain in the ass. Ronald thought. Even bro can't find any good opportunities to gank here.

Bro was always on the lookout for scoring kills, so he tried to arrange a few ganks in Top. But, it came to nothing. Every time William got even remotely close to the lane, Phoenix was already halfway back to his tower. This guy must have had eyes everywhere.

And, he's not taking any risks. Ever. There's just no cracking this bruh.

After three failed gank attempts, it seemed like Bro had completely given up on the idea of getting any kills here. He labeled Phoenix a "hyper-defensive player" and perished any thoughts about attacking Top for now.

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