Vol.15 Ch.26: All or Nothing

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"That's all from me," Cato reported on his way out of Bot Lane. "Now, I know that their Jungler is currently in Top, but that doesn't mean you can keep pushing from here and overextend as you please."

"Of course," William gave a reassuring response. On the other hand...

"No problem, we got this!" Ronald promised. "We finally got a breakthrough here, so we gotta make the most of it, right bro? Right?"

".............." Cato made a face.

"Don't worry, we won't overextend," William promised. As the older brother, he was the one in charge here, so it was safe to leave this matter to him.

"Good." Cato nodded in satisfaction and headed toward the nearby jungle exit. Just then, a loud SPLASH made him pause for a moment.

Hm? My, that's such aggressive farming. Cato turned around to examine the situation.

As the sounds implied, the Aquamancer was hard at work. He assaulted the incoming minions with his water spells, helping his Carry get rid of the invaders.

He used Rainfall to slow down the minions, Geyser Eruption to knock them up, and Splash to deal further damage to them. In other words, he unloaded his entire kit on the wave. It wasn't exactly a good example of being conservative with MP.

Is Yuel that concerned with maintaining lane control? Cato wondered. Well, I suppose it makes some sense. This is the one lane in which they don't have an advantage right now, so they definitely don't want to let the situation here get any worse for them.

But, did that justify spending all that mana? Yuel should know better than that.

If he spends all his MP too early, then he'll be forced to recall. That'll leave Gunz all alone on lane and the guy will have a VERY hard time farming against the brothers all by himself.

"Say, Will," Cato started. "Do you have an estimation of how close their Aqua is to Overflow?"

"Hard to say," William admitted. "He has been using his spells very aggressively, that's all I can say. This time he even dropped his entire kit, so there's a good chance he's very close to Overflow, if he hasn't already reached it."

"I see." Cato left the lane with that mental note in hand. Is he planning to open an attack soon? But, that doesn't make much sense, does it? You can't open a strong attack when you don't have any MP left.

It was a little odd. It seemed as if Yuel was rushing to reach Overflow at the expense of his MP even though it was fundamentally futile. By the time he gets there, he'll realize he didn't have enough MP left to deliver a truly powerful attack. It was rather curious.

Hmm. Well, in any case, I don't have the time to worry about it. Cato directed his gaze toward Mid, his next destination. It was undoubtedly the stage for Stratus' next big play, so Cato had to get there ASAP.

In the meantime, the enemy continued pushing Top at full throttle.

『An allied Turret has been destroyed!』

The Top Turret fell. Yes, just like that.

Even though it was so early into the game, the Dark Knight & Berserker duo was able to make quick work of the tower in a single push. Truly, the early-game potential of Stratus' comp was quite scary.

And, next is Mid, right? Cato speculated. Thinking of it, if they spot me rotating over there now, then they might give up on that idea. But, that's fine, too. In fact, I might prefer that outcome.

Cato would gladly "waste his time" on a futile rotation if it will discourage the enemy from targeting Mid. That DK & Berserker duo was dangerous beyond words.

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