Vol.17 Ch.10: Analyzing Anything and Everything

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"Their Jungler entered Bot Jungle," Sonya made another timely report. She has been doing this regularly ever since the game started.

Every time Vanishing showed up somewhere, Sonya made sure to report the event. And, if Vanishing hasn't shown up anywhere for longer than 20 seconds, then Sonya reported as much as well. This might've seemed excessive, but it was a necessary part of the anti-Vanishing counterplan.

Better safe than sorry. Sonya thought. The others might forget about her if I don't mention her regularly, at least that's what Cato insists. Honestly, I'm still 50-50 on all of this.

VanishingFlower was supposedly an elusive phantom with the ability to erase herself from people's minds, or so the previous scrimmage implied. It was an absurd idea, honestly.

No competitive player who's worth his salt would ever forget about the existence of an enemy player, especially not the Jungler. That was Sonya's firm stance on the matter.

With that said, as a hyper-defensive player, it was in her nature to prepare for anything, no matter how unlikely it seemed. That's why she went along with Cato's counterplan and subjected herself to this rather tedious job.

If by any chance Vanishing really does possess the ability to slip out of people's minds, then I'll gladly shut it down. Sonya asserted. With that said, this is really a rather demanding job. I sort of understand what can make Vanishing so "forgettable".

There was something very off about the way Vanishing played Jungler. Her rotations across jungle camps seemed to follow the meta by the book, which was surprisingly well done. However, on the ganking front, things were weird. Namely, there was an absolute absence of any ganks despite the fact that Vanishing was playing an assassin.

She also doesn't apply that much pressure on lanes, at least not in any obvious way. Sonya knotted her brows. If not for my reports, then I think nobody would have ever retreated because of Vanishing's rotations. It's a little curious.

In a sense, Sonya's reports felt almost unnecessary. Even without them, Vanishing never seemed interested in ganking any lane thus far.

That's extremely odd for an assassin. Kills are supposed to be her bread and butter.

Yet, Vanishing ignored such conventions. She focused on farming camps as methodically as possible, but nothing more.

I can somewhat imagine why certain players would stop paying attention to her at some point. Sonya thought. She doesn't apply much pressure and wards rarely spot her. Basically, her "presence" is very weak all around.

In fact, Sonya had to go out of her way to beef up the wards around Mid in order to have an actual chance of ever seeing Vanishing's movements. In addition, Cato and William lent her a hand and spread extra wards throughout the jungle, all for the purpose of keeping track of this one phantom.

Honestly, I suspect we wasted too much gold on this. Sonya sighed. But, data is invaluable. If extra wards can help us keep better track of Vanishing, then I say they're worth it. Except, I see it's not always enough...

More than 20 seconds have passed since the last time Sonya saw the phantom entering Bot Jungle. Yet, despite the numerous wards there, not a single one of them has caught another glimpse of the elusive assassin. So, it was time to make an empty report. Sigh.

"I haven't seen their Jungler for a while now," Sonya said. "She was last seen entering Bot Jungle."

It was a rather uninformative report, arguably even a pointless one. Its main purpose was to remind the team that Vanishing existed and that Bot should probably be a little more careful right now.

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