Vol.18 Ch.18: The Emperor's Confidence

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"Their Jungler is near Top," Sonya informed.

"I would advise exercising caution, Emperor," Cato said. "That Drow has access to her ult by now, so you definitely don't want to be caught by a surprise attack from behind."

"Yes, I know Drow's kit," Jin said sarcastically. "But, I can't skip another wave. There's no time for that.

"Haste makes waste~"

"What? Not sure I understand."

"It's an idiom," Cato explained. "It means if you rush things, then you might find yourself in trouble."

"Logical, yes. But, it's fine," Jin reassured. "Against opponents like this, I can't lose."

"My, look at Mr. Confidence going. Does that mean you have a plan?"

"Of course. Everything must be planned always." Jin shared the gist of his idea with the others.

"My, that's the very definition of being reckless," Cato criticized. "Are you sure that's necessary? So many things can go wrong with that play."

"Against other players, sure," Jin agreed. "But, not against their Top and Jungler. I know how weak they are."

"Weak, huh." Cato smiled wryly. Are you aware that these "weak" opponents made this scrim reach a 2-2 situation? Just a little detail you might've forgotten, you know.

But, Cato kept all of that to himself. Jin would've most likely deflected these arguments by bashing the Leopards' skill level, ridiculing them for losing two games against such "weak opponents". Bleh.

I rather not pour salt on the team's wounds right now. Cato thought. But, does that mean I must let the almighty Emperor get away with his ridiculous idea? Well, I guess he'll go through with it no matter what I say. So much for my authority as the captain, sob sob.

Though Ronald was a rebellious brat and William was a self-centered lone wolf, Jin sure took the cake when it came to being uncooperative. He was the type to push his idea through regardless of how absurd it was and no matter how much others objected to it.

Basically, the guy had 100% confidence in his ability when it came to battling other middle schoolers in the region. Though, apparently, that's not how he normally carried himself back in Korea, where he claimed he had "endless competition" for his age.

It seemed that Jin was so disappointed with the competitive level over here that it boosted his ego through the roof. He was mostly a sensible fellow overall, yet when it came to the competitive level of the West, it was as if a switch flipped inside him.

It's like he has this constant need to flaunt "how much better" he is than the competition. Especially now, after he was told to win the nationals in order to get on the pros' good side. He has become even more unbearable ever since. Sigh.

The worst thing about it was that Jin actually had the skill to justify that attitude. He was undeniably head and shoulders above the rest of the competition over here, and he knew that. Therefore, he acted as he pleased while disregarding the common sense of the other competitors.

And, the worst part? He usually gets away with it. Cato sighed.

Even during the club's practice games, Jin trampled all over the Leopards' first-string when he was playing on the opposing team. In fact, even when his teammates were the club's freshest recruits, Jin made up for the skill gap all by himself and managed to score some wins against the club's first-string. It was absurd.

Therefore, nobody could really say anything to him, not even Rodriguez, the man who always nitpicked everything. So, who was Cato to criticize this almighty Emperor? In the end, Cato was just the captain of a team that Jin didn't think much of.

"Alright, you do you," Cato conceded. "But, just to be on the safe side, Will should stick close to Top, just in case something goes wrong. What do you say, Will?"

"No problem," William replied. "I'm already here, so might as well fish for a counter-gank opportunity."

"Unnecessary," Jin insisted. "Better farm Griffins during this opportunity."

"Hm. That's also an appealing option." William nodded.

The Griffin Camp in Top Jungle was about to respawn. So, if Vanishing was going to be preoccupied in Top, then William will claim the camp with ease.

"I agree it's an effective move," Cato said. "But, Jin, don't you think you'll be playing a little too much with fire over there? If something goes wrong, you'll be killed. In the long run, that'll drag the entire team down."

"Won't happen," Jin reassured. "These players not at level that can cause me trouble."

"... fine." Cato sighed deeply. He had nothing else to add here. Once Jin set his mind on a play, there was no changing the guy's mind. No matter how absurd or risky the play sounded to others, for Jin it made perfect sense.

And, he's most likely going to pull it off. Cato shrugged. As his teammate, I should be happy about the fact he's so strong. But, at the same time, I can't help but wish to see this whippersnapper fail miserably every now and then.

Will this risky play become one of these rare times when the Emperor stumbles? Or, will he triumph against all odds as usual?

As good as Cato was at reading board positions, he had no idea how to predict the outcome of this absurd play...

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