Vol.20 Ch.4: Valkyries vs. StormBlitz

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The scrimmage between the Valkyries and StormBlitz has begun. The captains of both teams went to the middle of the stage for the handshake.

For the Valkyries, the representative was Fiona. And, Andria accompanied her as the "vice-captain" even though it wasn't much of a real role in their club.

In any normal team, Andria would've been the captain because she was the senior. However, considering this club was practically formed by Fiona, this arrangement made far more sense.

Besides, Her Majesty already has the whole team under her thumb. So, she fits the role like a glove. Andria smiled to herself as she watched the formal greeting from the sideline.

The representative from the enemy team was a senior boy, the one they knew as Aegis. Supposedly, he was the master strategist who made it so difficult to find any weak spots in StormBlitz's formation.

Fiona shook the boy's hand. "Thank you again for agreeing to this arrangement on such short notice."

"The pleasure is mine." Aegis smiled meaningfully and bowed a little. Even though his team was the top dog here, he still felt compelled to act formally in front of the "Landberht Princess". There was just something about Fiona's aura that compelled people to brush up their act in her presence.

With that said, he definitely wasn't overwhelmed by the queen's majestic presence as he continued. "We lost against the Leopards, so we'd gladly farm any points that come our way right now. It all counts for the seeding, right? Haha."

The underlying message was crystal clear: Aegis didn't consider the Valkyries a threat in the slightest. Today's scrim was like a free win as far as he was concerned.

This mentality was further echoed by the boy accompanying Aegis, most likely StormBlitz's vice-captain. "Kek." The boy brought down his thumb with an amused snicker on his face. Honestly, he looked like a five-year-old who had just learned how to taunt.

Andria simply ignored the taunt whereas Fiona didn't even register it. She was focused on the bold captain in front of her as she responded to him in kind.

"I have to apologize in advance," Fiona said. "I am afraid your team will have to work even harder to improve its seeding after today's match."

"Oh?" Aegis maintained a confident smile but his eyes glinted dangerously. Needless to say, he did not appreciate this remark.

Nice one, Your Majesty! Andria commented from the sideline. Though, I suspect this bold remark will only further fuel their motivation to stomp us. This match is going to be an all-out war, I can already tell.

Aegis looked like a man who valued his pride, so he surely wouldn't let a comment like that slide. If he ever entertained the idea of going easy on the Valkyries, then Fiona just killed any chances of that ever happening.

Well then, I can only pray this game won't turn into a one-sided slaughter. Andria shrugged. I really don't want us to have a rerun of THAT experience...

The Leopards beat them to a pulp in the previous scrim, so much so that Andria could still feel the scars. And, StormBlitz was just as strong of a team, so there was a chance there would be a rerun of that despair.

I'm not convinced I'm mentally prepared to perform such a tragedy on stage a second time in a row. Andria sighed. But, the queen is confident we can handle this, so all we can do is follow her lead.

As the greeting ceremony came to an end, the representatives returned to their teams. Fiona strode confidently across the stage as she always did, unfazed by the fact she was about to do battle with the 2nd strongest team in the region. Likewise, her opponents weren't fazed at all, either.

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