Vol.17 Ch.13: Securing the First Gank, No Matter What!

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As the game went on, Nia felt herself becoming stealthier. It seemed like the enemy's all-seeing eye started to lose its authority. The laners' responses to Nia's rotations became slower and more negligent. It seemed they weren't on max alert like before.

A chance to gank might be coming up soon. Nia gulped. I need to choose where to strike, and then just pull it off. Yes, just pull it off against the regional champions. No pressure. None at all. Yeah...

Honestly, it was scary. Every single player on the enemy team was a powerhouse of some sort. Basically, they were the dangerous kind of prey who could easily turn the tables on the predator. Therefore, Nia had to be very careful with her attack.

And, if that wasn't already enough pressure, then there was also the fact that this was Nia's chance to achieve some sort of success for the first time today. She got a few nice opportunities in Game 1 as well, but she blew all of them due to her sleepiness.

But, this time, I have to make it work. I can't mess up, not again. Nia repeated this in her head more times than she was willing to admit. Such thoughts filled her mind to the brim as she slithered around the jungle, evading all the ward traps placed there by the enemy.

After a while longer, the time has finally come. Nia felt it - she vanished. The enemy lost sight of her!

So, I guess this was just a question of time, after all. Nia nodded. I almost started thinking that the Leopards were somehow immune, but it turned out they were just stubborn.

If the Leopards assigned someone specific to stalk Nia's movements, then that person was sleeping on duty right now. Alternatively, maybe none of the wards have spotted Nia for so long, that the enemy team has completely lost track of where Nia was.

Either way, the Leopards were no longer on high alert like before. This time, even though Nia walked deep into Top Jungle, Challenger still showed no signs of retreating.

So, I slipped past their wards. Nia nodded. Am I not amazing? I solved all these complicated warding puzzles!

In truth, maybe some of the wards over here had expired by now and that made Nia's job easier, but she decided to ignore that nitpick.

Never before in her life did she imagine that she'll be so happy about figuring out enemy wards. This was the first time she tackled a riddle of this difficulty, and after a lot of hard work, she actually aced that thing!

This could probably be a fun standalone puzzle game in its own right. Nia thought. But anyway, the real challenge starts from here. Gulp.

Getting past the wards was only the first step. Next, Nia had to actually execute the gank.

From Top Jungle, she only had two available targets: Mid or Top. However, in this case, there was no real dilemma. Ganking Mid was out of the question.

Their Mid is turtling 24/7. Not fun. Nia pouted.

It would have been best to gank Mid because of how important the lane was, but Theorist was a very unattractive target. Sneaking up to that Turtlewoman was going to be an exercise in futility.

On the other hand, Top was the most attractive target ever. Challenger was the carefree confident type, so it should be easy enough to catch him off-guard.

The guy only ever retreated early when wards spotted Nia approaching. However, right now, Challenger wasn't suspecting a thing, so he was playing very boldly.

And, they still haven't finished clearing minions. Nia thought. S-So, I'm in a good position to go for this gank. Yeah.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Her heartbeat quickened with each breath she took.

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