Vol.18 Ch.35: Greeting the Korean Opponent

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"Alrighty, let's go!" Lars activated Elven Sight as soon as the minions arrived in the lane. Let's see what this Korean pro is all about, yo!

Playing a melee class against a ranged marksman was always gonna be kinda wonky, and it was extra hard against Elf who had such an awesome range. So, how was that Korean pro going to handle this challenge!?

There was a chance that this dude would pull off some amazing stunt that'd totally wreck Lars, but he wasn't scared at all.

Let's start off with my usual routine. Lars aimed his laser rifle but not at the swordsmen. His target was the bowmen in the back. These squishy dudes had the higher DPS, so he gotta shoot them down first.

Unfortunately, Lars couldn't shoot just these dudes from the front because the swordsmen blocked the path. So, he positioned himself at an angle toward the incoming wave.

It had to be a small angle, about 10 degrees or so. That's because the bigger the angle, the further Lars had to step in to reach the bowmen with his shots.

I remember Yuel said that's of some triangle rules of something. Lars shrugged. I sure wouldn't know the first thing about proving any of this in geometry class. But, as an experienced shooter, I know this pesky rule like the back of my hand! I'm Pitagolars, yo!

And so, from this position, Lars fired his first shot. ZAP! The laser beam traveled a great distance and pierced through the bowman's head. Bullseye!

Yep, perfect calculation. QED right there, yo. If actual geometry classes were this easy, then Lars would've been an honor student ezpz. Alas, his understanding of distances and angles was only within the context of sports and games. Oh well.

Alrighty, another shot- wha!? Just as Lars finished loading his next round, a figure appeared in front of the bowmen he was aiming at! It was none other than Apprentece, the legend himself!

Yo, for real? This dude doesn't fear anything, word. Instead of respecting Lars's great attack range, Apprentece pressed onward as if Lars didn't even exist. I heard dude is cocky and stuff, but this is a whole different level. The thing is, I know he's no amateur, so this might not even be a misplay. Wild.

There were plenty of unfortunate souls in Ranked who underestimated Elf's reach and stepped into Lars's attack range by mistake. Of course, Lars showed these dudes no mercy and barraged them to death. It was the best lesson these dudes could ever get.

But, Apprentece was no such amateur. He clearly knew Lars's range and everything, he even saw it in action just a moment ago. And yet, he willingly stepped in regardless.

What's more, it looked as if dude was doing this very systematically. He approached the minions in such a way that he perfectly blocked the bowmen out of Lars's view. Was that on purpose?

If he was some random dude, I would've thought he stepped into this position by luck. But, this dude is supposed to be pro-level, so he gotta be doing this stuff on purpose, right?

This had to be a calculated move, no question about it. Lars's zoomed-in view was blocked.

Dang, then I'mma shoot one of the other dudes real quick first. Lars shifted his rifle to the left, fired a shot at one of the swordsmen, and then quickly returned his aim to the bowmen.

Dude sure be making my life difficult. Lars shook his head. Did he figure out how to block my line of sight after seeing me shoot just one round? That's some super mega ultra-advanced tech, yo! This gotta be some known anti-Elf strat that I'm not familiar with.

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