Vol.17 Ch.27: Decrypting the Madman's Ploy

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The situation in Mid wasn't looking good for the Leopards. Even though William came close to drawing First Blood, the Warlock's ult robbed him of that opportunity. Or at least, it put the kill on an indefinite hiatus.

"I can still get the kill," William stated before anybody could tell him to retreat.

"My, so stubborn," Cato said. "Well, I suppose given your HP advantage, you can still shoot for it."

"I sure can, and I will," William asserted.

"Keep in mind that you're dangerously close to a 1v2 situation there."

"It'll be a temporary 1v2 at best. Sonya is here too."

"True, true." Cato could only nod in response.

At first glance, it might have seemed as if the two enemies were about to gang up on poor William in the darkness and draw blood. But in practice, his situation wasn't that bad.

For one, The King's Dominion served as a barricade for keeping Chessmaster out. Its primary function was to stop prey from escaping outside, but right now, it served as a wall that denied entry to outsiders.

As such, it'll take Chessmaster a while to break into the prison. And, by the time he does, his HP will be just as low as his companion's.

Therefore, there was still a decent chance that William will be able to turn the tables on the enemy here, especially with Sonya's help. In fact, if the enemy continues pressing this offense, then they might be setting themselves up for a Double Kill.

My, Yuel sure crafted one heck of a convoluted script. Cato thought. To think that he'd dare to rotate to Mid without any MP, and then pay so much HP just to cast his ult. Truly, only a madman like him would come up with a ploy like this~

It was bordering on absurdity. This plan could backfire in so many different ways and there was no guarantee that anything good would come out of it. And yet, Yuel went for this risky play regardless.

Good, good. Cato found himself grinning. After all, how could he not? It felt like he finally got the opportunity to play an intellectual game against the "real Yuel", not the half-assed faker who faced him back during their chess match.

Yes, yes! This is more like it! Kekeke! Cato couldn't stop himself from cackling like a gremlin. Yes, use more of these weird, unorthodox tactics. Take all these nonsensical risks and try to make them pay off. This is how you always play when you're serious, right? This is how you beat Fiona, after all.

The sheer amount of madness behind Yuel's current script was proof of how seriously he was taking this match. This was very different from Yuel's attitude during the chess match with Cato two years ago.

You didn't even try back then. Cato criticized. You weren't serious, I could tell. So, even though I beat you, it didn't feel as satisfying as it should have been. On that day, I didn't REALLY get to crush the same guy who beat Fiona.

Back then, destroying Yuel in chess was supposed to be equivalent to defeating Fiona herself. The guy stole the regional champion title from the Landberht Princess, so defeating him was supposed to be a big deal.

And yet, after Cato's euphoria of victory subsided, he felt empty. It wasn't right. He didn't feel like he truly defeated the same man who triumphed over Fiona.

I remember I was thrilled about the fact I crushed Yuel... for about an hour or so. Cato recalled. Then, I got to play Fiona in the finals. Brrr.

The mere recollection of that match was enough to give him the shivers. It was a pure slaughter. It's like Fiona was trying to make it perfectly clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Cato stood absolutely no chance against her, not even close.

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