Vol.17 Ch.30: Controlled by the Enemy

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In her final moments, Sonya placed a Stealth Ward inside the lion cage. This warded off the darkness surrounding William, allowing him to see his foes again.

It's a 1v3 situation, but... William swiftly scanned the two opponents ganging up on him. They're both almost dead.

Beat was below 10% HP, just a single hit away from dying. Meanwhile, Chessmaster was at 20% HP at the moment, but his health bar was ticking down fast because of the ongoing Eldritch Nightmare.

I can kill them! William charged at them! The King's Dominion expired by now, but Willaim was confident he'll be able to seal the deal even without the buffs.

"Hold it, I don't think that's a good -" Cato's words didn't register. William had no time to be distracted by the words of someone who only analyzed this scene from afar.

Willaim was the one on the scene right now, so he knew best what he was capable of accomplishing here. With over 40% HP remaining, he should be able to get a kill or two here, then safely evacuate before Vanishing reaches him.

Without further ado, he targeted Beat first. The girl had been shooting him from a safe distance for a while now, and William couldn't retaliate at all because of the darkness. But, things were different now.

William stepped toward his target, but just then- WHISH! A wave of darkness hit him from the side! It was undoubtedly the Warlock's sorcery.

Is he sane? Willaim frowned. He's throwing all his HP away, not that I'm complaining.

This was certainly an unexpected development. So unexpected that William allowed himself to be caught off-guard. He would've easily dodged a shot like that under other circumstances, but right now, all his attention was on Beat, and Chessmaster found the perfect moment to exploit that.

Well, the damage isn't anything to write home about. Willaim examined his remaining 35% HP. But, he also used a Slowdown Invocation, that's why he lost almost all his HP.

Using that invocation cost Chessmaster additional HP. It was a play made by a madman.

It was really unfortunate that The King's Dominion had already expired. It would've saved him the trouble of dealing with soft CC effects like this Slow, but alas.

As if something like that will stop me. William rolled forward to get to the target faster. Unfortunately, even his roll was slower than usual because of the debuff, so this gave the enemy plenty of time to respond.

And so, Beat rolled away before Willaim had the chance to strike.

This isn't looking good. Willaim frowned. From this position, she can keep zoning me out for days.

Which, of course, Beat immediately did. As soon as she recovered from the roll, she fired a shot at William while backpedaling. Even though she was on the verge of death and a predator was coming straight at her, Beat was not scared in the slightest.

Yeah, figured. William sighed. When I'm this slow, she can almost match my speed while backpedaling.

As an expert on spacing, Willaim perfectly understood just how disadvantageous this situation was for him. His opponent was a ranged attacker who could backpedal as quickly as Willaim could advance. In other words, Willaim had no hope of closing the distance between them as long as the slowdown debuff persisted.

To make things worse, Beat could freely shoot at him as she backpedaled. There were no consequences for her whatsoever.

My only option is to jump her. He glanced at the cooldown of Majestic Leap. Unfortunately, there were still 3 more seconds on the clock. Tch, too long. Besides, I much rather save it for escaping.

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