Vol.17 Ch.11: Reigniting the Engines

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It was the second game in a row in which Kai was facing Theorist in the lane.

Based on all the available data from previous scrimmages, as well as Kai's own experience, she concluded that Theorist's defense was uncrackable. Kai simply couldn't find a way to bust through it, not without external help.

But, where's that "help" at? Kai sighed. Seriously, our Junglers can be such a pain sometimes...

In the last game, Luke was the one who had the power to help Kai to bust through Theorist's defense. But, did he do it? Well, he tried for what it was worth. But, he didn't achieve much of anything.

Likewise, Nia hasn't helped Kai achieve anything so far, either. In fact, in Nia's case, it was a deliberate decision. The girl didn't even try to do anything, at least not yet.

And, whenever Kai interrogated the girl about it, Nia dodged the topic with vague statements like: "I think they're keeping an eye on me. Scary. I can't rotate like this"

That was the girl's excuse for not committing to any ganks the entire game. Supposedly, she hasn't "erased" her presence yet. But, how could she even tell whether the enemy really "forgot" about her yet or not?

I think she's just nervous, which is understandable. Kai thought. She's just woken up and immediately got thrown into the heat of things. It's going to take her a while to acclimate to the stage again.

Basically, for now, the team pretty much didn't have a functional Jungler, at least not for ganks. It was unfortunate.

Of course, there was still some hope that Nia will eventually overcome the pressure and will start scoring kills left and right. However, there was no telling when that'll happen. So, until then, Kai was alone in the lane, faced with an unbreakable wall of defense.

It looks like I'm not gonna get anything done in this game either, huh. Kai sighed. It's getting kinda annoying, to be honest.

As the captain, she would've liked to be the one who pulls the team forward. Especially right now, when the game was stuck in this awkward deadlock where nobody could make any progress.

But, that wasn't even the only reason for her irritation. There was also the nonsense Vincent spouted during the break, that whole talk about Kai being the "Softhearted Amazon". Basically, he claimed that Kai was "going easy" on Theorist because she was a fellow girl.

Bullshit. Kai asserted. I bet none of them would be able to do any better in my shoes, except maybe for Lars and MAYBE Yuel if he manages to come up with some trick. Anybody else would get stalled just like me. Seriously, Theorist's defense is just that airtight.

In fact, in the first two games, Vincent already got to play 1v1 against Theorist. Even though it happened in Top and not in Mid, the experience should be largely the same.

And, what did Vincent achieve against Theorist in those two games? A whole lot of nothing, that's what. He couldn't break through the tight defense by himself, just like Kai.

Maybe I should start calling him the "Softhearted Idiot". Kai scoffed. Seriously, I don't understand what they're expecting me to do here. I know I'm a strong player, but I can't make miracles. If there are no openings, then there are no openings... right?

Kai paused for a moment. She decided to reevaluate the lane situation on a whim because of these thoughts, and an interesting detail came to her attention.

Her position is kinda... Kai's eyes jumped back and forth between Theorist and the minions. Pretty sure I can hit her if I shoot at the right angle from over there.

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