Vol.19 Ch.10: Breaking the Prodigy's Serve

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"It is mine!" Cornelia dashed toward the flying ball like a bull, almost ramming into her own teammates along the way. She absolutely had to reach this ball and drive it right into the enemy court, no matter what! The serve streak of the Landberht scion had to be broken!

Admittedly, this set was quite sloppy, hardly befitting to be spiked by a noble such as Cornelia. Nonetheless, it was an admirable effort from the captain to turn that difficult ball into a set instead of offering it to the enemy as a free ball.

Daniella may not be a noble, but she is no regular commoner. Cornelia admitted as she jumped at the ball. As a noble, it is my duty to make the best out of this hard-earned opportunity!

It was going to be a clumsy counterattack, but it also had a surprise element to it. Nobody on the enemy team was expecting Daniella to go for a set from that position, or that Cornelia could spike this ball. The enemy blockers were severely unprepared for this development!

"Go, Cornelia!" Daniella shouted. "Hit it with everything you've got!" Beat that damn prodigy! Show that hard work can compete with talent!

BAM! It almost sounded like an explosion. Cornelia clearly poured every last bit of her strength into this attack.

WHISH! The ball dived straight into the enemy court like a missile!

Despite the awkward forms of both the setter and the spiker, somehow this attack turned out legit. It packed a lot of force and it headed toward the far end of the court, making it hard to defend against.

C'mon, make it in...! Cornelia felt sweat forming on her forehead. Just don't go out. Don't go out...!

The ball headed straight toward the enemy baseline. It was going so fast it was hard to tell whether it'd land in or out. And, knowing Cornelia's record definitely wasn't making this any more reassuring. Ugh, the nerves!

On the bright side, the enemy team should have an equally difficult time telling whether this ball was heading toward an out. Therefore, they'll surely have to try to receive it, unless all of them were too fazed by this surprise counterattack.

Fortunately, there was one player who didn't seem fazed at all. She stepped in at lightning speed to intercept the incoming ball.

Thud. Cornelia's powerful shot crashed into something but the impact it produced was oddly dull.

"Wha...?" Daniella's jaw dropped. "Why is she...?"

This wasn't some lucky clutch receive. No, this particular receiver was at the right place at the right time. She elegantly made the ball bounce upwards in a beautiful arc as if it were the easiest thing in the world.

And, that receiver was none other than Fiona.

Admirable effort. Fiona praised as she watched the ball go up. It was a splendid display of team play under such difficult circumstances. However, it is not good enough.

Under normal circumstances, Cornelia's spike was so strong that even Fiona had a hard time receiving it perfectly. However, that was not the case at all in this exchange. Both the setter and the spiker had to improvise on the spot, which greatly affected their form.

So, despite what they might have believed, Fiona's serve ultimately remained unbroken throughout the entire development. The enemy failed to properly receive her jump floater, therefore they had a hard time transitioning into a proper attack, which was exactly what a good serve strived to achieve.

Nonetheless, the attackers poured their everything into this. Therefore, watching the ball fly through the air in such an elegant arc delivered a mental blow.

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