Vol.17 Ch.12: Nia's Accidental Remote Intimidation

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They're stalking me. Scary. Nia realized that early into the game because there was no other logical explanation for the weird things that have been happening. Basically, the enemy was abnormally cautious of every move Nia made.

Of course, there was also the enemy's skill level to consider. These were the Leopards, the strongest players in the entire region, so of course, their map awareness was going to be airtight

Nonetheless, Nia refused to believe that she couldn't slip past their radars. After all, she was the uncrowned world champion of hide-and-seek, so there was nobody she couldn't hide from.

Well, maybe except for Yuel. But, he's a rarity among rarities. Yeah.

Aside from that alien robot, no regular human being was ever able to detect Nia on a regular basis. No matter who she played against, Nia had always successfully erased her presence from their minds and snuck up to them undetected.

They're probably aware of my godlike hide-and-seek skills. Nia concluded. They must've studied me like a lab rat by watching all the replays. Scary.

Yuel mentioned that the replays of the official scrimmages are available for everybody to purchase. Therefore, most likely, the Leopards bought a copy of the Stratus vs. Taurus scrim and studied that one from top to bottom. That's how they figured out Nia's secret talent.

What a pain. Nia sulked. They're already the strongest team in the region and they still study their opponents? Tryharding much?

That thorough preparation was probably the reason the Leopards were on such high alert against Nia. It's almost as if they were scared of her.

I'm terrorizing them, hehe. Nia giggled to herself. But, even if they know that I can hide well, how can ALL of them be so good at keeping track of me? It doesn't add up.

Given the circumstances, it made sense that it was harder for Nia to erase her presence against the Leopards. But, was it supposed to be completely impossible? No way. It was only supposed to take a little longer than usual, that's all.

If I keep hiding from them, then they're supposed to eventually forget about me. But, it's just not happening. Weird.

All three lanes showed clear signs that they were aware of Nia's existence 24/7. They beefed up their defense or retreated whenever Nia was anywhere near their lane. Basically, they were acting as if Nia was the manifestation of pure terror. This was funny at first but it became tiresome after a while.

They're gotta be stalking me. That's how Nia reached this particular conclusion. Somebody out there must be following my every move. Scary.

There was also strong evidence to suggest that the Leopards placed more wards than usual across the jungle, possibly to combat Nia's elusiveness. With so much warding, figuring out how to best maneuver around the jungle became one huge puzzle.

It's kinda fun to solve in its own way, but they just won't give it a rest. Nia ranted. When will they lower their guard already???

The match was already approaching mid-game, yet Nia hasn't delivered a single gank yet. Like, none. Nada.

Basically, she has spent the entire game farming camps and solving the complicated warding puzzles. It's not like that wasn't fun in its own right, but the real thrill of being a Jungler always came from scoring kills. In particular, scoring kills on unsuspecting targets by stabbing them in the back.

This isn't good. I haven't done anything today. Nia gulped. Yuel is going to bully me so hard during the match review. Scary.

So far, Nia hasn't achieved anything against the Leopards today. In the first game, she was sleepy, and in the next two games, she was asleep. So, in a way, this 4th game was actually Nia's first "real" game of the day. And still, she hasn't achieved anything thus far.

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