Vol.17 Ch.4: Two Substitutions = Two More Worries

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"Two subs?" Cato blinked. "My, how peculiar."

"So, they're bringing Vanishing back..." Sonya made a face. "Then again, at his point, I'm not even sure which of their Junglers is the bigger embarrassment."

"So harsh~" Cato giggled. "So, that the other player, EnduringPhoenix. I believe we have nothing on him, right?"

"Right. At least, I've never heard of him."

"Curious, curious." Cato nodded. "A trump card? Or, a desperate attempt?"

"Logically, considering they didn't sub him in when they were in a tight spot against Taurus, I doubt that he's a trump card of any kind."

"Yes, that is unless they were cocky beyond measure and wanted to hide him from us at any cost."

"Do you really think they're the kind of team that has that kind of luxury?"

"Haha, probably not."

Though the possibility definitely existed, it was unfathomable for Stratus not to use their best members against Taurus when they were pressed against a corner. Not to mention, if their goal was to hide this player's existence from the Leopards, then EnduringPhoenix should've made his debut much earlier today to deliver the surprise attack.

So, with all of that in mind, this unknown player had to be something other than a "trump card".

Then, is he a counter-pick of some sort, perhaps? Cato couldn't stop himself from wondering about it, even though he knew he won't be able to hit the right answer by guessing blindly. They simply didn't have enough data to work with.

On the other hand, Stratus' other substitute was all too familiar. The eccentric phantom was about to haunt the stage once again.

"One thing you should keep in mind about Vanishing," Cato said. "She dragged her feet a little at the start of the Taurus scrim as well, but later on she went ham. So, she might be a slow starter."

"Right." Sonya nodded. "There is some data to suggest as much."

"So, keep your eyes peeled, everybody," Cato warned. "It means nothing that she was lackluster in the first game. She might still put on a strong performance in this game regardless."

"As if her performance was ever 'strong' to begin with." Sonya scoffed.

My, such a worrisome attitude. Cato tapped on his chin. And, she is supposed to be Vanishing's supervisor in this formation, right? My, so, so worrisome. Maybe I should handle the job myself? ... or maybe not.

He perished the thought as soon as he remembered who he was dealing with in Bot. There was no way he could manage such a part-time job while facing Yuel and Gunz. These pesky opponents demanded his full attention.

Even just shot-calling is plenty difficult while I'm busy in Bot. Cato thought. So, there's no way I'll be able to keep tabs on Vanishing on top of that.

As such, somebody else had to handle that job, and the only other player for the job was Sonya.

"I'd like to remind you that, in formation A, it is your responsibility to keep track of Vanishing."

"Of course." Sonya nodded. "Is there any particular reason you felt it was necessary to remind me of it?"

"Just making sure we're all on the same page." Cato smiled meaningfully. My, it feels like she gets irked whenever Vanishing's name is mentioned. How cute~

Admittedly, part of the reason Cato brought up the topic was to watch Sonya's delightful irritation. The existence of the unscientific phantom threw a wrench in Sonya's cold, calculated persona. It was so fun to watch these reactions~

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