Vol.17 Ch.37: The End of the Fourth Game

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The longer the game went on, the clearer it became that Stratus would win if nothing changed. And, unfortunately, Cato was unable to come up with anything smart.

This kind of thing is SO not my forte. Cato admitted. A big part of why I like playing defense is that it helps me avoid helpless situations like this. But, once I'm forced into one...

He had no idea what to do. Sure, there were a few general tactics he was familiar with, but neither he nor his teammates excelled at utilizing any of them.

I see that Will is still trying things, but it's not going well. Cato placed some of his hope on William, the one player on the team who was both a strong warrior and a good tactician. If there was somebody here who could come up with a game-winning move, it'd be him.

And, indeed, Willaim launched a few strong attacks on the enemy. He was the only one on the team scoring a decent amount of kills, and it should be noted that he usually didn't die in the process, unlike his younger brother.

Hmph. The brat doesn't even deserve to be mentioned. Cato made a face as he glanced at Ronald, who was waiting on his respawn timer once again. I mean, he's getting some kills, but they almost always come at a cost. If anything, this only makes defending harder.

Cato cursed every time Ronald pulled something stupid and got himself killed in the process. But, at the same time, at least the kid was trying to change something about the situation.

Meanwhile, Cato only knew how to stick to defense and wait for the endgame. He was placing all his hopes on Matthew, the Messiah who'll surely rescue them all!

On his end, Matthew was playing it safe. He understood the importance of his role in the endgame, so he didn't let the enemy get any kills on him until then. The only time he died was the result of a sneaky gank from Vanishing, which was something that caught every player of the Leopards off-guard at least once by now.

Matthew himself scored 1 kill and 2 assists, which made up for his 1 death. So, overall, his position was rather neutral as the fight was entering the endgame.

But, that's not good enough. Cato frowned. Even though we're practically at the endgame now, he still can't do anything too flashy because the momentum is on their side.

Cato's persistent defense safely delivered the Leopards into the endgame, but that's all it achieved. He failed to break the enemy's momentum and equalize the situation. And so, the curtain fell on this helpless game.


It was an inevitable result, yet the Leopards still found themselves in disbelief as they stared at the red letters on the screen.

So, we lost... Cato bit his lip. His fists were shaking, but he hid them underneath the table.

Formation A, in which Cato and Matthew played Bot, was supposed to be their best formation for combating Stratus. And yet, Stratus still bested them.

To make things worse, the booing from the audience stuck again. CLAP! CLAP! Clapping resounded across the stadium as if mocking the Leopards.

Thankfully, this time, it didn't develop into thundering applause. Nonetheless, the stadium was quiet enough for the clapping to echo loudly.

It's not just one person clapping, that's for sure. Cato scanned the audience to find the culprits responsible for the mental attack. It was very much possible that the same hooligans were responsible for sparking the fire during the last round of applause too.

I see it's mostly that group over there. Cato had a hard time making out their faces from this distance, but most of the clapping echoed from a group of kids, probably middle schoolers. Is that StormBlitz...?

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