Vol.19 Ch.15: Pawn Sacrifice

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"A-Ah!" Lua exclaimed. "They surrounded me!"

It happened in the middle of a heated Ranked game. The enemy Jungler and Support teamed up in the jungle in order to gang up on Lua! They cut off her path right as she was about to return to the lane!

But, compared to Lua's rising levels of anxiety, Fiona analyzed the situation calmly. They must have spotted her through wards. I have to admit, this is a nicely timed gank. I doubt she can make it out of there alive.

Lua had access to Paladin's invincibility ultimate but it would be a waste to spend it here. Even if she does get away alive, she will be too injured to continue activity in the lane. As such, that line of play will not lead to any advantages for the team.

Unfortunately, sacrificing her is the only logical option here. Fiona concluded matter-of-factly. Her teammates sometimes called her "heartless" for proposing such lines, but that was simply nonsense. This is a strategic game just like chess. In a situation like this, sacrificing a teammate is no different than sacrificing a piece to improve the position.

Any objections to such plays always came from the heart, not the brain. For some reason, there were many players who felt obligated to "rescue their comrades" without stopping to think about the bigger picture first.

But, Fiona did not fall for such an obvious pitfall. She had no intention of wasting time and resources on a suboptimal play. There was no valid rescue plan at hand that would objectively make sense to go for. So, it was far more logical to assume that Lua's fate was sealed and instead think of how to best utilize her as a resource until she collapses.

And so, Fiona analyzed the area from a distance using X-ray vision. Their Jungler is running low. I assume he only dared to join this surprise attack because he has an accomplice.

The enemy Viking was at 30% HP. Lua's ward actually revealed his presence in the jungle a little before all of this, but everybody assumed the Viking would not dare to engage with such low HP. Even Fiona believed as much.

I failed to take into account the fact he can rely on the Support's recovery if push comes to shove. Fiona criticized herself. In hindsight, this was a predictable attack.

The enemy's Support was a Cleric, so he had no shortage of heals to spare. Fiona should have factored that in when analyzing the situation. Alas, it was too late now.

It was impossible to rewind time, so Fiona had to deal with the awkward board position in front of her. Even though she already concluded that Lua could not be saved, it did not mean the team should surrender that piece for free.

If I time it right, I can kill the Jungler. Fiona analyzed a few moves ahead. She was already on her way from Top Jungle to Bot Jungle, so this plan fitted well into her schedule.

The Cleric's ult is down, so that will not pose an issue. Fiona analyzed. In that case, everything hangs on Lua's ability to keep the enemy distracted. I will have to advise her well.

Fiona quickly drew up an escape path for Lua on the mini-map. This was similar to giving an order to a chess piece, except here it was uncertain whether the piece would be able to execute the orders to a T.

"Lua, follow this path," Fiona ordered.

"Eh? Shouldn't I retreat to Bot?"

"No, that is hopeless. They will catch up to you with the Cleric's speed buff."

"Oh. Yeah, they probably will..."

In truth, that was only partially correct. Lua had a chance of getting away alive if she were to use Aegis, but that meant wasting her ult and getting almost nothing in return. That was barely any better than dying, so Fiona omitted that part of the analysis so they could stay focused on the upcoming plan.

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