Vol.17 Ch.24: The Diversion in Mid

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So, I'm really doing this, huh. Kai stepped way lot deeper than a Sorcerer should. From this position, she could shoot a Magia Orb all the way to the enemy tower.

I still dunno how to feel about this idea, honestly. There was a swirl of emotions inside her. She was annoyed by the fact she was reduced to mere bait, but also excited to finally get an opportunity to properly fight in this passive game. On top of that, there was also the anxiety of whether she'd actually be able to win her duel.

Yuel always comes up with pretty messed up stuff, but this one takes the cake. Kai smiled wryly. Who in their right mind asks a Sorcerer to overextend in order to bait a Lion? That's like the last thing any sane Sorcerer would want to do.

The whole premise of the class was that it could stay far away from its opponents thanks to its amazing reach. Kai only had to advance to the middle of the lane in order to be able to reach the enemy tower area with Repelling Force. That's how absurd of a powerhouse Sorcerer was when it came to long-range combat.

So, for a class that specialized in super long-range combat and didn't have any escape tools, trying to bait a dangerous Jungler like Lionfolk was unthinkable. This was a recipe for disaster, no two ways about it.

But, because it's so out there, there's a good chance even the Leopards won't see it coming. Kai thought. I feel like most of Yuel's tactics rely on these types of mind games. And, even though I know that it's still kinda of unsettling.

No matter how much time passed, it was never easy to follow such orders due to how absurd they sounded. To make things worse, Yuel's attempts to explain his plans were usually lackluster at best. No matter what plan he tried to explain, it always felt like he made a logical leap or twenty in order to arrive at the conclusion.

And yet, it was undeniable that Yuel's schemes were almost always on point. His plans weren't perfect by any means, but they worked most of the time.

I feel like, before the Taurus scrim, Yuel held back with these crazy ideas, but not anymore. Kai thought. He seemed to appreciate safety a lot more back then, but now half of his ideas throw caution to the wind. That's a 180 if I ever saw one.

The Taurus scrimmage proved that taking risks was necessary every now and then. It was impossible to win every game by playing safe.

That realization must've flipped a switch of some sort in Yuel's head. Ever since then, he had been incorporating more and more "bizarre" shot-calls into their training sessions. It's like he was trying to make the team get used to executing absurd plays on demand.

It's actually kind of crazy how I just agreed to this play without even arguing much. Kai realized. I mean, baiting Lion with Sorcerer? Pft, the easiest thing ever! It's not even the most absurd plan we've pulled this month.

And so, despite having some mixed feelings about the contents of the plan and their implications, Kai found herself somewhat nonchalant about the absurdity of the plan itself.

Besides, being this bold feels good for a change. Kai confidently strode across the lane. Theorist is such a defense fanatic that she immediately retreated to the tower, so it's almost like I kicked her out of the lane. So, get rekt scrub, this lane is mine now!

After the long and boring stalemate, it now felt like Kai had finally seized some real lane control. It felt refreshing.

But, there was no time to celebrate this rare occasion. The enemy was surely already preparing a response to Kai's bold overextension. It was just a matter of time before the Lionfolk showed up.

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