Vol.16 Ch.11: Researching the Meme

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"Say," Yuel addressed Luke. "You don't happen to have any other 'surprises' to show us, do you? For example, some other class you've been working on during the past month?"

"Aside from DK? Nope," Luke said. "I mean, it was only a month, man. You can't expect me to master a bunch of new spicy memes in such a short time."

"Yes, you're right. I was just making sure." Yuel took a moment to consider his options again, or the lack thereof. "It seems like we have no choice. You'll have to play as usual in the next game."

"You mean I gonna go all-in with DK again, right? Right?" Luke's eyes glittered. He was like an excited puppy about to be taken for a walk.

"A rerun of DK? Absolutely not," Yuel rejected. "We delivered a successful surprise attack and it worked against all odds, but it was a one-time thing. We won't be able to pull it off again, not against the Leopards."

"Hey, what's with this defeatist talk? You'll never know until you try!"

"No, I DO know," Yuel insisted. "It's not too hard to imagine what'll happen if we use a similar lineup again. Basically, we'll get countered hard."

"Who knows?" Luke argued. "You only think that gonna happen because everybody and their moms be putting the Leopards on a pedestal. But bruh, tell me something. Did you ever imagine us smoking the Leopards so hard with that lineup?"

"No, I suppose not," Yuel said. "I always believed we had a chance to win if we played our hands right, but I admit that the result surpassed all expectations."

"So, you wanna see me do it again?" Luke grinned. "I can run all over them with my DK anytime, word!"

"Yeah, let's go!" Lars pumped a fist. "That was sick! We gotta do it again!"

"Indeed, it was a magnificent performance!" Vincent tuned in. "Dark Knight and Jungler, a combination from the very depths of unconventional picks! It has already shattered all expectations once, but can it do it again!?"

"Are you guys stupid?" Kai shot them down. "First of all, that DK nonsense only worked because Yuel did a good job misleading the Leopards during the drafting phase. Also, these bastards were clearly underestimating us that game, which won't happen again now that we beat them."

"You think they were going easy on us?" Luke asked. "How do you tell?"

"Trust me, I know," Kai assured. "I have a sixth sense for when somebody underestimates me for any reason." I have more than enough experience with that from previous years of this club.

"Okay, okay," Luke conceded. "Suppose they were underestimating us. I still don't see the problem, tho."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, yeah, that I and my DK don't deserve all the credit for winning that game," Luke said. "My brudda Yuel helped me a ton with piloting that DK. He pulled all the strings during the drafting phase, and he gave me lots of good advice during the game itself. Heck, despite how much he trash-talks memes, he sure knows how to meme like a boss! I'm super impressed."

"Do you think I studied all of that because I wanted to?" Yuel made a face. "I had to force myself to look through mountains of useless meme information in order to find something actually useful. It was like searching for gold in a pile of garbage."

"Haha, harsh. But hey, ya found some hella solid tech! I'm legit impressed." Luke nodded. "I always knew you're a genius and stuff, but this is on a whole different level, word!"

"Yeah, it was sick!" Lars hyped up the topic as well. "Like, I didn't understand even half the tactics shmactics ya used there, but it seemed tight!"

"Indeed, it was a beautifully orchestrated master plan!" Vincent added. "The Chessmaster was stuck with a questionable piece on his board, possibly worse than a pawn, yet Chessmaster found a way to evolve this piece into something superior to even the Queen!"

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