Vol.18 Ch.41: The Will to Fight

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The fight against Apprentece was off to a bad start for Nia. She lost way too much HP right off the bat, and the bowmen started raining arrows on her as well.

From this position, if Appretence successfully lands a counterattack against every bolt Nia shoots, then her HP will be deleted in like 2~3 attacks. She had no chance of winning like this!

"I-I think I'll retreat-"

"Nah, it's all good, yo!" Lars reassured. "I'll be there in a jiffy, dude! Just keep him pinned and we'll finish him off! And, I'mma clear out these goons on the way too, don't worry!"

"O-Ok!" Nia snapped out of it. For now, the flight instincts loosened their grip over her.

I forgot I'm not alone here. Nia realized. It's funny, actually. Originally, the whole point of "ganking" is to take down enemies together, isn't it?

The word "gank" was frequently abused to refer to any surprise attack, but its original meaning was "gang kill". It referred to the act of ganging up on the enemy with your teammates.

Admittedly, in her entire career thus, Nia hadn't done much justice to this term. Most of the time, her "ganks" involved launching a strong attack all by herself.

But, some monsters are just too strong to take down alone. Nia realized that now better than ever before. This time, it wasn't just about ganking a "scary class" like DK or Orc. No, the player himself was scary. And he was also playing Orc on top of that, so double the scary!

This was definitely the kind of enemy Nia needed help with, no two ways about it. Alas, she failed to properly sync her attack with Lars, just as she failed to do so with Ben in Top. She only alerted the team that she was going to rotate to Bot, but nothing beyond that.

Before Nia arrived, Lars had been taking full advantage of Elf's long attack range, so he was firing shots from far behind the tower. Therefore, he now had to travel a long distance in order to catch up to Nia.

If only I told him earlier.... well, it is what it is. Nia shook her head and focused on the foe in front of her. She had to fire another bolt ASAP, or else the Orc's slowdown will expire.

However, before she could continue her offense - WHISH! The metal whip cracked once more! The momentum of the battle started shiting to Appretnece's side and he sensed it.

She's hesitating. Good. Jin nodded. As expected, she's a scaredy-cat. The moment things go south for her, she freezes up and starts thinking about running away.

An opponent who abandoned their will to fight had no chance of winning. Now that fear took over her, Vanishing was as good as a punching bag.

Hmph, not that she had any chance of winning in the first place. Jin thought. Her gank fell apart the moment she failed to push me into the tower area. To make things worse, her gank partner didn't seem ready at all for any of this.

Perhaps Vanishing deserved a little bit of praise for how sneakily she delivered her gank and almost caught Jin off-guard. However, in the end, she failed to coordinate her attack with her partner, therefore the entire thing was bound to fail.

Now, Vanishing was quacking in her boots, struggling to continue her own offense as well. How laughable. Until the very end, she was a subpar Western player, like everybody in this god-forsaken region.

After the next scourge attack connects and reduces Vanishing's HP below 40%, the girl should completely lose her fighting spirit. She'll run away like the scaredy-cat she was, freeing Jin from the irksome slowdown and allowing him to disengage.

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