31| emerald eyes

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-play this song^ when the * shows up below to make your reading experience better.

July 19, 2018
3:32 pm

Harry Styles

I walk upstairs and get my journal out and then go back downstairs to our piano.

I sit down and start brainstorming about the song idea I had last night. I want to write about Dani. I'm going to focus on our night out last night. It was magical. I want this song to be sweet and gentle.

Here I go..

I'm currently writing down my thoughts for the song when I get a text from Dani.

D: hey :)

H: Hi love, how are you? :)

D: amazing! but that's only because I know that i'm only a few blocks away from you.

H: I'm glad to hear that. Haha. I'm currently working on a song but can I pick you up in a bit? I can sing it for you then, yeah? You'd be the first to hear it.

D: of course H. i'll always want to hear you sing for me, especially to be the first to hear your songs :)

H: Sounds wonderful love. :) See you soon. Xx

D: see you soon. <3

I begin with some piano chords. I try different chord progressions looking for that feeling they give you when you find the ones you're looking for. I press down on some chord progressions instantly connecting with them out of all the other ones.

I begin to brainstorm little things about last night to then put into actual verses. Basically, rewinding the cassette of how our night went. 

It was a summer night.


Starry night sky.

A short drive.

It was the perfect place at the perfect time.

We went somewhere we both wanted to see.

I parked the car and turned off the lights.

I pulled her to run with me into the meadow and we adventured though it together. Just her and I.

I recall some birds singing somewhere around us in the field.

We danced together in the middle of the field.

Our connection is so strong that we could be going down in the history books for best friends who kept their friendship going longer than anyone.

Now, before I forget I definitely want to include how I absolutely love her eyes. Her emerald green eyes that I could just get lost into time and time again.

She's a wonderful soul and ever since she came into my life she's made me feel at home wherever we are. I've only ever felt that feeling with one other person and that was Cherry.

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