Chapter two

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The animosity between the Targaryen-Velaryon boys had reached a new height after that little incident with the pig. And it became quiet evident in their training with the sword.

Eirlys had decided that morning, that she would sit by her grand sire, Viserys and watch the boys  train with the sword. The boys however, had their focus more on inflicting pain on each other rather than learning how to actually fight. And Ser Criston's obvious partial treatment toward Aegon and Aemond didn't help.

He constantly graced them with useful critiques and pointers that would prove helpful during an actual combat while he just left Jace and Luke to do their own thing.

Ser Harwin Strong, who was also observant of this, informed Criston of his one-sided training to which the knight reacted to by having both the oldest sons fight against each other, a rather poor way of handling the situation.

The match was of course, hardly fair since Aegon was a much older than Jace and overpowered him in strength.

Eirlys winced each time Aegon roughly pushed her brother down to the ground or aggressively swung the wooden training sword at him in attempt to gift him with at-leaster one injury.

"Enough" Harwin seized the sword from Aegon, bringing the little duel to an end, something the older boy was not happy about.

"You dare put hands on me" he screamed like a spoiled brat throwing a fit.

"Aegon" Viserys called out in an attempt to make his son quiet down before he got carried away with his whining.

Eirlys wondered how often things like this happened because no one else seemed to be phased by how the boys were acting on the field.

"Is this what you teach Cole?" Harwin questioned, his tone quiet dismal as he picked up a few of the other training swords sprawled on the ground "cruelty to the weaker opponent?"

"You interest in the princeling's training is quiet unusual commander, most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin, a brother" Criston's tone went from inquisitive to accusatory rather quickly "or a son"

And Ser Harwin, did not let the subtle accusation go un dealt with.

He punched Criston square in the face, sending the knight stumbling backwards until he fell on to the ground.

The boys were startled by such a display of brutal rage as they shifted backwards and away from the two men caught up in a fist fight.

Aemond glanced up at Eirlys, as if to say that this whole situation was confirmation enough of the rumours surrounding her brothers' legitimacy.

It took four of the king's guard to pull Harwin away from Cole and restrain him.

"Eirlys" Viserys calmly called out to her "go back inside child, I shall attend to the matter"

The girl cast one final glance at the scene unfolding at the training field before obeying her grand sire and making her back inside the castle.

It didn't take long for the other boys to walk up the steps and into the castle, Aegon and Aemond muttering in hushed voices about what they just saw while Lucerys and Jacaerys silently walked to their chambers.

The young prince went to look for his only companion, to tell her about what had happened and how it all started since she couldn't hear the conversation taking place amongst them from her seat on the little balcony.

He found her walking in the hallway, as he was making his way to her chambers.

"Eirlys!" He called out, jogging up to her "hey, wait"

The girl stopped and turned around to wait for him as he approached her with eagerness to rant about the whole situation.

"Criston just said-"

"I don't want to hear it Aemond" she quickly cut him off "I know what happened and I know what you're going to imply"


"I won't stand here and listen to you go on about how you think they're bastards" the princess sighed with annoyance "they're my brothers"

"And I'm your betrothed!" The boy quickly reminded.

"You're my closest friend before you are my betrothed" Eirlys took a step toward him "and as my friend, I hoped you would understand how this conversation does nothing but insult my family"

Aemond sighed in defeat, knowing that she would probably never admit what others could see in plain sight.

"Alright fine" the prince leaned against the wall "I won't bring it up"


A few moments of silence passed before Aemond spoke again.

"Did you see me train" he asked, despite knowing the reason that she had come there was to watch them train.

"I did" Eirlys briskly replied "when will you train with a real sword?"

"Once we've gotten good with these stupid wooden ones" Aemond grumbled "just so we don't accidentally injure ourselves or the opponent"

"I wish I could train as well" the girl simply stated "looks like a handy lessons I could use"

"You don't need to train" Aemond waved her off.

"Why not?"

"You have me" the boy grinned sheepishly "I'll get better and then I'll be your protector"

"That's the job of a knight" the princess informed "do you intend to be my bodyguard?"

"Until we're wed, yes" Aemond shrugged.

"Why must we wed anyway?" Eirlys asked, not knowing the exact reason, nor the depth of what being wed to someone meant.

"I suppose it was to form an alliance" the prince guessed.

"We're already friends" Eirlys looked at him "I think it's rather obvious we're not going to be at war"

"Unless you chase me around the castle, threatening to tickle me" Aemond started to which the princess laughed.

"It was fun"

"For you"

The prince and princess spent the rest of the afternoon, talking about the most random things, just simply enjoying each other's company.

The both of them never fully grasped the concept of marriage so to them it just seemed like an official ceremony to publicly acknowledge their love for each other and to promise to uphold the peace and understanding that their friendship was built upon.

Their outlook on the world was so different from everyone one else.

It was so timid and innocent.

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now