Chapter Fifteen

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As Aemond had claimed, he did infact win every round of his duel with his brother during their training.

He was a skilled fighter, calculating every move of his opponent before he could make a move of his own that would work in his favour. He was swift and quick on his feet, giving no time nor advantage for Dareon over him.

Eirlys was impressed, but she did her best to conceal it, not wishing to grant him the satisfaction of seeing her feel a sense of pride with her betrothed.

"Is the princess happy with how her prince has performed?" Aemond casually asked as he went to place his shield back with the others, not really making eye contact.

"Which prince are you referring to" Dareon commented, which Aemond decided to ignore.

"Her prince" Aemond repeated, emphasising on his words again "it's upsetting that you're just as bad at hearing as you are at close combat"

The younger boy rolled his eyes and wasted no further time in the training yard, feeling slightly embarrassed about losing to his brother multiple times in front of the princess. He sheathed his blade and left it with the others before he took his leave, giving the princess a curt nod and his brother a sneer.

"You're too hard on the boy" Eirlys told Aemond as she sat on the table where his sheath lay "perhaps you ought to be a bit more-"

"Are you going to say the same thing to his enemy on the battlefield?" The older prince swiftly answered "the last time I was unable to defend myself, I lost an eye"

Eirlys stayed silent, unsure of what she could say. She knew Aemond didn't deserve to lose an eye that night but she knew her brothers hadn't done it with a pre planned intent.

Aemond sighed as he took of his eye patch so that he might fix his hair, now frayed and untamed after his training.

"You've been wearing your eyepatch a lot lately" she remarked after a few minutes of silence.

"Tis' not a sight many find comforting to see" Aemond shrugged "I thought the sapphire might help but there's not much a pretty gem can do when the entirety of your appearance has been scarred, literally"

"I disagree" Eirlys softly muttered, causing Aemond to glance her way "I think you look charming"

"Do you really?" He took a few steps closer to her, pointing at his face "even with this scar"

"The scar doesn't take anything away" she gently traced the maroon line that ran down his cheek from his eye "you're still the same to me"

"Am I still the same man you wish to marry?" He asked as a grin began to form on his lips while he looked down at her with admiration, hoping that she couldn't hear his heart thumping against his chest as her fingers caressed his cheek.

"We were betrothed as children" she spoke, resting her arm on his chest now "not as if we have a choice on the matter"

"Do you not wish to marry me then, if you had the chance to wed of your own accord?" Aemond's smile faltered at her response or more of a reluctance to give him a response.

"Would you choose me?" She asked as she looked up to glance at him.

She couldn't quiet see any reason why he should pick her. She was his closest companion of course, but beyond on that she lacked everything that a man desired in a woman. She was so naïve and innocent, inexperienced in ways to satisfy her partner in bed. And being a woman of her standing, she did not have the privilege of being able to partake in the act for the sake of gaining a sense of familiarity without her reputation being put at risk.

"Of course I would choose you" Aemond answered without even a second of hesitation "I will always choose you, a hundred times over anyone in this life or in any other. I'm surprised you even asked me that"

"Why" she simply asked, now needing a reason behind his answer.

"Because when I'm around you I feel, y-you make me feel like... you make me" Aemond struggled to find words to describe a feeling he had no clue about "there's this fire that burns every time I'm near you and I do not yet know the words to describe it, but all I know is that you make me feel safe, and there is no else I'd rather spend my life with"

There was another moment of silence as Eirlys took her time pondering over his words. Aemond, a prince who was shaping up to be one of the best fighters in Westeros and who owned the largest dragon had just told her that she made him feel safe.

"D-do you- have you ever felt the same?" Aemond asked nervously as he looked at her pleadingly, hoping for an answer that would put his aching heart to rest. He knew he'd done something that had offended her, yet he selfishly hoped she still had something in her heart for him.

"Everything I know about 'love' is all that I have seen happen in books. The anxiety, the torment, the nervousness" Eirlys took her time explaining herself "I've know you almost my whole life, and I don't think I've ever felt that. All I feel when I'm with you is a wave of calmness, warmth. I suppose that is a good thing, something much more preferable over an anxious mind. But it just confuses things, there is still a kind of uncertainty about what might confirm if I am in love or not"

"Love isn't easy to understand, nor is it pretty" Aemond felt like some ghost had possessed him since he'd never been one to talk freely about love, not even sure if he was capable of being able to experience it "you are pretty though"

"I'm still upset at you" Eirlys reminded as the corners of her lips slowly curled into a smile at his attempt to flirt.

"By all means" Aemond adjusted his eye patch once again, taking a single step back "I shall still do everything to win you over, if not as my wife then atleast as my friend"

"What if it never happens?" Eirlys teased "what if you never win me over"

"Then it does not matter how many battles I might win in the years to come" he said nonchalantly, sheathing his sword "those victories will never overwrite the loss of my princess. And I shall carry that regret until I breathe my last"

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now