Chapter fourteen

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Queen Alicent, like the rest of the family present at the table, had taken note of the rather obvious and rare sight of Aemond and Eirlys being in some sort of conflict with each other.

The pair had been inseparable since childhood and any argument that arose, withered away within a day at most.

With the possibility of their marriage being at stake, Alicent had decided to visit Eirlys to obtain an explanation regarding their surprising distance.

"Has my son done something to offend you, my dear" she asked as she sat on a chair opposite Eirlys' by the fireplace "I can assure you what you tell me right not will not leave this room"


"No" Eirlys shook her head with a smile before she spoke "its nothing"

"I've watched you both grow together in this castle" Alicent gazed at the younger girl "I've seen him stand and wait for you each morning at the table and you sitting each day at his right. A simple uniform ritual yet one that hasn't been broken for years"

"I just wish to sit someplace else for a change" the girl shrugged "is that something that you find odd, your grace"

"It was your reluctance to so much as glance at him that I found odd" Alicent answered "which is why I wish to know if Aemond has done something, either unknowingly or with clear conscience, that has given you reason to be so cross with him"

Yes, he visited a whorehouse and never told me anything about it.

"It was a foolish argument" Eirlys tried to dissolve the matter "one I may have perhaps taken too much to heart. I suppose I should learn to control my anger, it's been getting out of hand as of late"

"It is alright to feel anger. Though I do hope you both will discuss the matter and make amends" the queen took Eirlys' hand in hers "I am aware my son has a bit of an issue with controlling his temper and though I've never seen him lose control of it with you, I do apologise on his behalf if he did manage to unleash his rage on you"

"That is not the case, I assure you" the princess gave her hand a reassuring squeeze "I shall resolve this with my prince, do not fret your grace"

The princess did not wish to display their current issue to the rest of the family but it had become far too obvious, now with this being the second day she'd refused to sit next to Aemond at the table. To avoid making the situation into even more of a mess, Eirlys decided to pretend that everything was sorted and the pair were once again just as attached with each other.

She decided to go and watch him train, something she hadn't done in a long time.

Aemond found it strange when he saw her present at the training yard. Two days ago they'd kissed as if one of them were about to leave for war and then the next day Eirlys didn't wish to be within a few feet of him. Now she'd shown up to watch him train with his brother.

What exactly was going on in that mind of hers, was now starting to turn into a puzzle for him. He knew he'd done something that made her change the way she looked at him and he knew that to some extent even he'd changed the way he looked at her; Both their perceptions differed however.

Ignoring the sudden flutter he felt in his chest right before his heartbeat began to pace, he managed to give her a gentle smile.

"Princess" he greeted as she approached the boys in the training yard "are you feeling well this morning?"

"My prince" she addressed him formally, noting his subtle comment at her change in behaviour from breakfast "I am feeling quiet fine, thank you"

"Earlier you-"

"I do not wish to make a spectacle out of our current situation" Eirlys lowered her voice so that only Aemond might hear her "I am still upset but that doesn't mean the entirety of King's landing needs to know about it"

"So your solution is to pretend that everything is alright rather than to talk it out and actually mend things" the prince sighed "Eirlys we have never let anything bring a rift in between us"

"This is not the place to talk about it" she glanced around, taking note of some of the guards and people of the court who were also present "just go about your training and let me observe in peace"

"Will you be watching us today" Daeron  suddenly asked from a distance as he examined some of the blades, trying to pick which one to use for his duel.

"I will be, yes"

"Who are you here to favour?" He asked with a smirk, momentarily glancing at her.


"We are to duel today" the boy explained "which one of us do you wish to see victorious? I do hope you'll say my name, dear Eirlys"

"Flirt with someone your own age" Aemond picked up his shield as he turned to look at his brother.

"She is only a year older" he shrugged, picking up a sword.

"And she is betrothed" Aemond casually reminded "you should learn to hold your tongue Dareon, one day you might just lose it"

"The same way you lost your eye?" the boy snickered and Eirlys bit her lip, knowing that this was a sensitive topic for Aemond.

"The only thing keeping me from blinding and muting you right now is the blood you share with me" Aemond spoke coldly, still not bothering to look at him "should you have been any other worthless bastard, I wouldn't have kept my sword sheathed"

"Well then I am thankful to be your brother" Daeron smirked out of spite as he walked toward the centre of the yard "shall we begin? I wish to show the lady how good of a swordsman I am turning out to be"

"When I stand victorious" Aemond turned to look at Eirlys "I shall have it credited to your name"

"You are too confident" the girl managed a smile, finding it amusing that he was starting to talk as if he were about to fight in a tourney "what if you are to lose? Will you blame me for your loss as well then?"

"That's the best part my princess" Aemond grinned as he took a step closer to pick up his sword that was on the table beside which Eirlys stood "your prince never loses"

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now