Chapter Twenty-eight

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!! This chapter contains smut !!

"Are you quiet certain you don't want me to accompany you?" Aemond asked once again as he lazily sprawled himself on Eirlys' bed while she packed a few of her essentials. He'd offered to help but made no effort to do so as of yet "at the very least only until you're within a few leagues away from the castle"

"Yes I am certain ñuha prūmia" (my heart) Eirlys sighed as she assured him yet again for the fifth time that evening "I'm not flying to war, I'm simply making a short trip to visit my family"

"Your valerian has improved I see" the prince grinned at her and the term she'd used to address him with "nyke kessa bardugon naejot ao tolvie tubis" (I shall write to you every day)

"hae kessa nyke" (as will I) Eirlys smiled. She figured Aemond was only jesting while she was in truth being serious about writing to him, just as a form of assurance that she had reached Dragonstone safely.

"We're going to be wed soon" Aemond simply stated.

"We are" Eirlys replied.

"Are you done packing your things?" The boy asked as he leaned back into the softness of the pillows "come lie here with me"

"It would get done a lot faster if you actually helped, like how you said you would" the princess muttered in annoyance as she put away another one of her many dresses "all you've been doing is eating my ear off"

"Something else you'd like me to eat then?" Aemond inquired with a smirk as he propped himself up by his elbows to glance at Eirlys "tell me what other use I could put my mouth to"

"You're disgusting" the younger girl laughed as she reached for a cushion and flung it at him which Aemond effortlessly caught with one hand without flinching.

"Oh am I now?" He raised a brow as he placed the cushion beside himself "wasn't disgusting last night when I was in between your legs, now was I princess?"

"Alright I've had enough of you" The girl rose to her feet and marched around the bed to get to him. She held his hand and began to tug "get out"

"A-Aemond please" he mimicked her moaning and burst into a fit of laughter, looking at her with an amused expression while she struggled to pull him off the bed "yes, right there"

"Shut up" Eirlys tried to stop herself from joining him in laughter "you are the absolute worst. Perhaps I should moan someone else's name then"

"You can try it jorrāelagon (love) but I assure you, you will find the man's head who's name you dared to moan in my presence, mounted on a spike the very next morning" Aemond's signature smirk still danced on his lips but his tone was far from jovial. No, he was being serious "and then I'd fuck you senseless until the only name you can remember is mine"

"If you helped as much as you talk, I might've let you spend the night in my chambers" Eirlys taunted as she let go of his hands, knowing well enough she could not overpower him before she went and bolted the door and headed back toward the trunks she was preparing for her journey.

"Why'd you bolt the door?" Aemond asked as he sat up, still in no hopes of actually helping; shameless.

Eirlys did not respond. She simply undid the front of her dress to loosen it and then got herself rid of it before retiring her underskirts as well until she was completely naked.

Aemond was suddenly very interested in where this was headed.

He quickly got to his feet and walked toward her but Eirlys took a step back before he'd even reached her.

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now