Chapter Forty-five

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Meleys burst through the grounds, inciting chaos as the dragon trampled over the masses of people, sending numerous amounts of them to their death before the majestic yet deadly beast set its sight on the greens.

Alicent pushed Aegon behind her as Ser Criston came to stand by her side. Even Aemond pushed his wife and sister behind him, feeling utterly helpless.

Rhaenys glared down at each of them.

Traitors, she thought to herself.

The dragon crawled closer, hissing and snarling at them, awaiting for his rider to utter the command 'dracarys'.

Rhaenys was tempted, the word was on the tip of her tongue, awaiting to escape her lips.

"No! Wait!" came a familiar voice, that made even the dragon turn toward the person who spoke.

Eirlys pushed Aemond aside as she walked past the queen and stood right in front of Meleys.

She did not join sides with them, she in fact resented the queen and the hand but she would not let the children die for something that the adults played a part in. No, she would do her best to handle it peacefully. To have Aegon abdicate the throne and willingly give the crown to who it rightfully belonged to. Of course he would agree since he never wanted to be king, right?

Rhaenys sighed in defeat before instructing Melys to turn around and escape.

The greens had survived at the mercy of the princess Eirlys.

The following day was when the now dowager queen, had invited the lords of the realm to make their appearance at court and swear their fealty to the new king.

Whilst the storm of war was drawing closer, a war between Eirlys and Aemond had already commenced.

"You were fleeing the city?" Aemond ran his han through his hair "did you not think of what would happen to you if one of my brother's supporters had maybe spotted you? They would slaughter you as a threat to his reign"

"I'm sure your mother will take care of that for them" Eirlys muttered under her breath.

"Eirlys you are safe as long as you are with me, I am next in line to the throne" he heaved a sigh as he tried to speak calmly "you would be my queen. Your life is not in danger here at court, you're-"

"Did you really think I left because I was scared?" the girl scoffed "I was next in line anyway after Jace. I left to be with my mother and my daughter"

"She is my daughter too" Aemond snapped "Lyra needs to be here, at the Red keep. I will retrieve her myself if I must"

"No, she doesn't belong in a place swarming with vipers" Eirlys argued back, not even remotely disclosing that she too, had been scheming of a way to leave this place in a few days. She needed to first convince Aegon to abdicate the throne.

"You would rather have our perzys grow up far away rather than under the care of her parents?" he looked at her with disbelief.

"I am not the one who did this to us. Your mother made her choice and you supported her over me" she raised her voice "there will be war and this place will burn. She is safe there, alongside the rightful ruler"

"Eirlys the line of succession was changed!" the frustration in Aemond's voice was quiet evident at the mention of Rhaenyra being queen.

"You used to be so adamant in trying to convince me of my brothers' legitimacy. Mentioning certain details to prove the truth in your words" she turned to look at him "why is it so difficult for you to accept the argument I put forth about your mother's claim? There were no witnesses. Tell me, do you truly believe your father supplanted Rhaenyra for Aegon?"

Aemond opened his mouth to respond but quickly went quiet. Now that she'd mentioned it, he knew his father never acknowledged them as sons let alone naming one of them as the heir. But why would his mother lie about this especially when she openly supported Rhaenyra being their future queen? Perhaps Viserys named Aegon to protect his daughter. The realm would never accept a woman on the throne, sooner or later she would be overthrown.

"The lords will be present in the throne room in a while" He spoke calmly, not wanting to prolong the argument "you need to see that with Aegon as king your mother is safe from the nobles who might've rallied up against her"

Eirlys simply rolled her eyes and looked away from him.

"We both must be present alongside Aegon" he placed a gentle kiss to her temple "I'll let you get dressed"

And with that he left the room.

Eirlys scoffed to herself. Did he really think after this entire argument of her constantly reminding him of the threat of war, she would still chose to bend the knee to Aegon?

She would make her appearance at court of course, she still had to abide by her duties as a princess. But she would make it clear that she was not merely the wife of Aemond, next in line.

No, she would make sure everyone knew her as daughter of Rhaenyra, Queen of the seven kingdoms.

It was Ser Criston who first saw her after she'd left her chambers and walked down the flight of stairs. His eyes widened ever so slightly upon seeing her but he composed himself and bowed.

"Good morning" she curtly greeted, though her voice was missing the warmth she usually radiated.

Larys was the next person who she passed on her way to the throne room, who in equal measure to Criston, glared at the princess.

Her late arrival to the throne room was announced by one of the guards. Though it was not the usual introductory line uttered whilst announcing her. She had requested for a different introduction to be made as she entered.

"Princess Eirlys of Dragonstone, daughter to her grace, Rhaenyra"

The guard refrained from using the word 'queen' whilst addressing her mother so that he might not lose his head. Eirlys didn't mind, she had got the reaction she wanted anyway.

All heads turned to look at her and immediately people began to murmur amongst themselves.

She wore a midnight black gown, with red and gold embellishments and a delicate maroon cape that was pinned at the front by a gold sigil of the house Targaryen.

She was dressed in the colours of her mother, making it loud and clear of where her support stood.

She took her time walking toward Aemond who exchanged a nervous glance with his mother while he held out his hand for her once she was closer.

"Eirlys, this is a blatant show of defiance" he leaned in to whisper in his wife's ear, making it seem to the others as if he were kissing his wife's cheek. He did not want any of the lords present to scorn his wife for siding with her mother over Aegon. It might create even more chaos.

"Well I should hope so" she smirked before turning to greet Aegon with a curtsey "my prince"

"I.." Aegon was taken aback by her icy tone. He hated how things had changed between them and he almost didn't have the heart to say anything further but he was in the presence of other nobles "Its King Aegon now, it would serve you well to remember it"

"Enjoy it while it lasts" she muttered before she turned away from him.

Eirlys had indeed lost her loving warmth that day. She had turned as cold as her name.

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