Chapter Nine

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"Well I brought her here the same way I got you" Aegon casually told his brother, sounding slightly tipsy "so she may understand how a man and woman-"

"She doesn't need to be here" Aemond was quick to grab the girl's hand, yet avoiding any sort of eye contact "what were you thinking bringing a princess to a place like this? We're heading back"

"What, why?" Eirlys tried to free her hand out of his grasp. She knew what a whore house was, she'd just never been to one and as much as the foreign surrounding made her nervous, it also made her all the more curious. "Aemond let go!"

"You think I want you going in there?"

"I wasn't asking for you permission" the princess snapped "why's it fair that you are free to do as you please and waltz inside but I can't?"

"Good point" Aegon muttered.

"Shut up" Aemond responded.

The girl walked away from the two brothers, Aemond running after her to stop her while Aegon lazily walked behind them, his only concern presently being that he would have his fun for the night regardless of whether Aemond or Eirlys would stick around.

Despite Aemond trying to quiet literally hold the door shut, making himself and the entire situation look ridiculously comical, Eirlys resorted to tickling him to push him away from the door as Aegon then took his chance to swing it open.

The onlookers watched the trio in absolute confusion as they displayed a show of utter chaos:

Aemond stumbling backwards momentarily as Aegon held the doors open, trying to push Eirlys inside; Eirlys quickly trying to run in but then being pulled back by Aemond who'd wrapped his arms around her waist.

Eirlys didn't need to break free of Aemond's grasp to explore the old house. With the entrance of the establishment now wide open, she peeked inside as soon as she heard the lewd sounds of people moaning and was met with an obscene atmosphere of people grinding against each other, men humping against naked women.

The trio's chaos caught the attention of many, some of whom were not able to so much as walk in due to their little tussle right at the entrance.

And while the commotion was mostly taken by some to be a bunch of young adults who were drunk, the men of the city watch who'd seen that his from a distance mistook it for an entirely different situation; chalking up the conclusion that the two men were most likely trying to drag away a woman from the establishment against her will.

"Hey! Stop!" One of the guards called out as he approached them.

"Fuck" Aegon's eyes widened with panic "run, run!"

The three of them dashed away from the whore house, two of the men from the city watch following after them.

Aegon took a different route, unknown to Aemond and Eirlys, who continued running along the path they'd used to get to the streets of silk.

They knew outrunning them would not rule in their favour so Aemond began to scan the area for a place to hide.

"To your left" he called out, letting her run before him toward the little alleyway he'd pointed toward "under that stairway behind the barrels"

Eirlys crouched lower as she crawled into the narrow and damp space Aemond had suggested, the boy following swiftly after her. The tiny space that they'd picked to hide was really cramped, leaving only a few inches of distance between their faces as their bodies pressed close together so that they might fit in.

Aemond held a finger up to his lips, to indicate to stay silent as he heard the guards get closer.

Eirlys tried her best to control her ragged breathing after all that running and the tight space didn't not help. Yet instead of being more concerned about the fact that they might get caught, she found herself think more about what she saw at the whore house only a few minutes ago.

Aemond held his breath as the sound of boots trudging against the wet mud sounded his ears. The men muttered amongst themselves before they ran off, probably still in search of the trio.

The prince heaved a sigh of relief before he looked down to gaze at Eirlys. His breath hitched in his throat when he realised they were in such close proximity, being able to practically feel her breasts slightly heave up and down with each breath she took.

Eirlys' eyes looked up to meet his and Aemond, involuntarily, averted his gaze to her lips as he recalled moaning her name while he came.

In a way he felt like he'd defiled her, even though he hadn't meant to release himself while imagining her.

She was this demure, untarnished and delicate being in his mind, untouched by sin and corruption. And he wanted to protect that; protect her. And he knew that after what she'd seen only moments ago in that sinful place, part of that sweet innocence of hers was lost.

"Aemond?" She softly called out.

Fuck. He mentally swore as he felt the urge to lean down and kiss her.

He had kissed her before but that was years ago when he was younger, naïve and full of innocence, something that was lost forever.

"We should head back" he responded softly, fighting himself against dipping his head lower to capture her lips with his.

He quickly crawled out, before he could lose control over himself and then offered his hand to help the princess.

"What about Aegon?" Eirlys asked as she dusted the muck off her coat, not really being able to be rid of the stain.

"He can find his way back" Aemond answered her with an irritated tone.

"Are you upset?" The princess asked as the both of them walked back to the castle, cautiously looking around to avoid running into any more of the city watch.

"I am" the prince promptly replied "at Aegon, not you"

Throughout their conversation, he avoided looking at her, not being able to anymore after tonight.

She was so innocent, so pure and and a complete contrast to what Aemond was, or rather, growing up to be.

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now