Chapter Twenty-six

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!! This chapter contains smut !!

Aemond clutched the fabric of her ivory nightgown tightly as he kissed her hungrily.

He didn't know what came over him but all of a sudden he was just as desperate as she was. Perhaps it was the smell of the oils she'd used that dulled his senses. He quiet liked her choice of scent which was of cinnamon with hints of fruit.

He trailed his kisses from her lips to her jaw, being as agonisingly slow as he possibly could.

"Tilt your head back" he softly murmured against her skin and she obeyed, enjoying the sensation of his teeth grazing against the skin near her jawline.

Aemond kissed and sucked at the skin down her neck, careful that he did not leave any marks. He did not wish for this scandalous visit to cause any trouble for her. If word of this spread, it could put to question her virtue and he did not want her to face any hardships at court.

Eirlys hummed softly as she brought her hand up to tangle in Aemond's long hair.

The prince was cautious with his advances, taking his time to initiate things so that he might not startle her.

He peppered her with kisses across her collar bone as he carefully slid the silky straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, one at a time.

Eirlys could feel her dress about to slip from her frame and instinctively brought her hands to her breasts to hold the dress in place.

"It's alright" Aemond cupped her face as he tenderly gave her assurance "it's just you and me"

She was hesitant at first, suddenly feeling shy to strip bare in front of him but then he bent down to kiss her and she melted into it and dropped her hands to her sides to let her dress fall and pool at her feet.

Aemond did not break away from the kiss instantly, he did not wish to stare and make her anymore nervous but gods knew how terribly difficult it was for him to maintain his calm composure.

Eirlys' hands slid under his shirt and he immediately rid himself of it, wanting to feel her cool skin against his.

In the momentary pause that he took to take his shirt off, he stole a glance at her bare frame and could practically feel his heart begin to race.

He pulled her close once again as he hastily pushed the books off the table.

"Sit" he instructed in a low voice.

He could feel himself harden but was in even more of a rush to taste her.

Eirlys obliged without argument and Aemond wasted no time in kissing her neck once again. His one hand held her at the waist while his other rested on her thigh. His lips traveled from her neck, down her collarbone, chest before he sucked on her left nipple.

"Aemond" the girl breathed out as she bit her lip to prevent a moan from escaping.

"Don't do that" he mumbled as he brought his other hand up to fondle her "I want to hear you moan"

He shifted from her left to her right nipple, sucking, licking and gently nibbling on it; not caring much about the marks he would leave there since that was a sight he knew only he would be seeing.

He brought his hand back on her thigh to part her legs slightly before he slid his hand up from her thigh and dangerously close to her folds.

"May I?" He asked as he looked up at her, not moving his hand any further.

The princess simply nodded but he did not oblige.

"I want you to say it Eirlys" he chuckled as he rubbed slow circles on her skin with the pad of his thumb "I wish to slide my fingers in you, may I?"

'Yes' was all she managed to say and Aemond decided that it was enough.

He slowly brought his hand to her heated core that was already pretty much soaked. He rubbed her folds slightly, letting his fingers get coated with her wetness before he slid a single finger in.

"You're wet" he groaned.

"Oh, sorry" Eirlys could feel her cheeks turning red. She quickly tried to shut her legs out of embarrassment, unaware that it was in-fact, normal.

"Don't be" he chuckled at her innocence, almost tempted to reach up and kiss her to provide assurance. Instead he just kissed her belly "it's what's supposed to happen, it's your body's way of letting me know you're enjoying this"

He pulled away to look at her.

"You are enjoying this though," he asked grimly as he slid another finger in without warning "aren't you?"

Eirlys gasped at the sensation and Aemond grinned.

He began to pump his fingers in an out of her, slowly, so that she might get used to the feeling.

He rested his left hand on her thigh before he dipped his head in between her legs. He licked a long strip from where his fingered pumped, all the way to her clit.

The prince flattened his tongue on the bundle of nerves before he began to gently suck on it, eliciting quiet a loud moan from the princess.

"Faster" she panted and Aemond could feel himself grow painfully harder in his pants.

He brought his other hand to his pants to quickly free himself as he continued to suck Eirlys.

He used his left hand to stroke himself while Eirlys continued to fill the room with the melody of her sweet moans.

She felt a foreign sensation that was hard for her to describe. It was as it the feeling hadn't quiet reached yet but she could sense it making its arrival as her body began to shudder.

The wet sounds of Aemond's fingers slamming into her wet folds while he pumped himself, occasionally humming as he sucked on her clit was driving her insane.

He too, was so close; her moaning his name made it even better than him just imagining her do it.

Eirlys' body began to spasm as she felt sparks go off within her and all of a sudden she couldn't take another stroke of Aemond's tongue against her clit even though all she felt in that moment was nothing less than pure bliss.

Aemond grunted loudly as he felt his hot semen shoot out into his hand, most of it spilling onto the stone floor.

The princess quickly brought her hand to hold his bicep in an attempt to make him stop and Aemond took the hint.

"Did I live up to your expectations?" The boy asked he wiped his hand for his trousers before he pulled them back up once again.

Eirlys looked down at him and smiled.

She was the one with absolutely no experience nor knowledge while Aemond was fairly familiar with what needed to be done and yet her prince was inquiring if he had done well to satisfy her.

Eirlys slid off the table and joined him on the cold stone floor.

She didn't know what to say nor could she even if she wanted to, and it wasn't because she was just breathless from all that moaning and constant panting of his name.

She was going through a dozen different emotions all at the same time.

In response, she simply kissed him and could feel Aemond smile against her lips.

AN: I was going to wait until tomorrow to publish this but a lot of you guys were so disappointed in me for ending the previous chapter like that so... you're welcome <3

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