Chapter Eight

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It had been almost two years since the incident.

Aemond never told Eirlys about it and after a few tries, she stopped asking him about it too.

The princess never knew why in the initial few days Aemond had grown to resent physical touch, until later on he once again managed to get comfortable around her, yet still never giving her the reason as to why there was a momentary shift in behaviour.

Aegon and Helaena had quiet recently been blessed with children; twins. This sparked the curiosity within Eirlys of how that came to be once again after years of not so much as even thinking about it.

Knowing that Aemond had no interest in the subject anymore, she decided this time to just go and ask Aegon herself.

"You can't be serious" Aegon looked at the princess like she'd just suggested cutting off her own head "you're almost a woman, about to be wed and you still don't know?"

"If I did I wouldn't be asking you now, would I?" Eirlys rolled her eyes at his statement.

"You and Aemond are a match made by the gods" Aegon mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose "so, the man enters the woman and spills his seed inside of her. That seed then grows into a baby inside the woman's womb"

"I'm not following" Eirlys furrowed her brows in confusion "how much wine did you drink?"

"I'm not drunk" Aegon facepalmed at her innocent stupidity "fine, let me simplify it for you. They have sex, which means a man puts his cock into a woman's cunt"

Eirlys suddenly felt slightly uncomfortable trying to imagine it.


"Well during the act, there's semen that spills out of the man and into the woman's womb, that's what makes the child" he further explained "but most of the time people don't perform sex just to bear children, it's done to pleasure themselves as well"

"Pleasure?" Eirlys repeated, not being able to wrap her head around how that would be pleasant "h-how?"

"You're too innocent" Aegon sighed "someone's got to change that"

Aemond had been informed that his older brother had called for him after supper. He didn't really want to go and hear what he had to say, but went anyway to avoid his brother showing up to his quarters.

"You sent for me?" Aemond asked as he walked in.

"You need to start showing interest in your duties" Aegon's tone was stern and serious, something Aemond wasn't accustomed to.

"M-my duties?" He asked, recalling that this was the same older brother who spent more time with his cups of wine than with his books "I'll have you know I'm the only one between the two of us who actually studies history, philosophy, close combat-"

"No not that you twat" Aegon quickly cut him off, slightly annoyed by his brother bringing up the fact that Aegon was the sibling who was never one to show any interest in studies "I meant about your fourth coming duties as a husband"


"Eirlys has never been with a man before and it'd be a shame if you happen to let her down in bed" Aegon sighed "I paid good money last time but you ran off, ungrateful little-"

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now