Chapter Six

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Aemond and Eirlys had decided to spend the day by taking a stroll through the gardens.

It had been a couple of days since their first kiss, that neither of them even considered as their first since it was just an innocent peck that didn't really bring much of a change in their relationship.

Aemond had got the jewel Eirlys had suggested fitted into the empty socket just that morning and had decided to retire the eye patch for the day, eager to show off the vibrant blue sapphire.

"It feels a little weird" he told her as they walked on the pathway next to the bushes, referring to the sapphire "but I like the way it looks"

"I told you the sapphire would suit you well" she smiled, taking credit for it "did you have that conversation with Aegon?"

"No" the boys huffed as he recalled their curiosity regarding how a woman came to be with child "I haven't been able to ask him about it yet"

"You're stalling" the girl threw him a nasty look "I tried asking one of my handmaidens but they refused to tell me"

"What about Helaena?"

"I asked her last night after supper" Eirlys told him "but she responded with a rather complicated statement that I could not decipher"

"Ah yes, my sister has a tendency to speak in riddles sometimes" he heaved a sigh "wonder why she does it"

"She's been helping me lately with my embroidery though" the girl pulled out a handkerchief that was tucked away in her dress sleeve "look"

Aemond gingerly took it from her grasp as he examined the embroidery on it that Eirlys was so eager to show him.

"Well that's a nice um" Aemond struggled to figure out what it was exactly that she'd tried to design with the colourful choice of threads "do you wish for me to be honest or should I instead reward you with false flattery?"

"You're such an arse" the princess snatched the handkerchief back from his grasp as Aemond chuckled at her gesture "those were supposed to be tiny butterflies"

"Emphasise slightly more on the word 'supposed' my lady" the boy grinned down at her "so here's another thing you can add to the list of things you're not good at apart from high valerian"

"I hate you" Eirlys grumbled as she quicken her pace and walked away from him.

"Hey-" the boys laughed as he jogged up to her "you know you love me"

"Qogralbar hen" (fuck off) Eirlys snapped at him.

"Impressive" Aemond grinned, annoying her even further with that shit eating grin of his "is that how you speak to your future husband, princess?"

"Perhaps you shouldn't be such a nuisance to your future wife, my prince" Eirlys side eyed him.

"This is going to be one of those marriages, isn't it?" the prince chuckled at the thought "where we're constantly bickering playfully amongst each other that others might mistake for enmity"

"Oh please, this isn't playful. I quiet genuinely hate you" Eirlys jested as she tucked away the handkerchief "one day I'm going to feed you to Ember"

"No, I'm going to feed you to Vhagar" he corrected.

Aemond found it amusing watching Eirlys get annoyed at the things he said just to poke fun at her. He found it even more hilarious when she, in that annoyance, came up with more insults to hurl at him.

Once they were bored of the view the gardens provided and the repetitive sarcastic mocking, the two of them decided to head back to their chambers for the evening before it was time for their supper.

Aemond walked Eirlys to her chamber, trying his best to not poke fun at her.

"I'll see you after supper?" He asked as he held the door open for her "Dareon's nursery"

"Weren't you supposed to talk to Aegon" the girl reminded.

"Fuck" the prince grunted in annoyance, not really wanting to be the one to ask "he's just going to call me an idiot for not knowing. Can't you ask him?"

"No, I cannot" Eirlys sweetly smiled just to tick him off "ask him tonight and then tell me on the morrow after we break our fast"

"The things I do for you" Aemond rolled his eye.

"I agreed to marry you" Eirlys jabbed a finger at his chest "I think at the very least you could ask your older brother a simple question"

"Then don't marry me" the boys shrugged.

"Alright" Eirlys responded nonchalantly "but first go and talk to Aegon. There's no way out of this for you"

"I hate you" Aemond looked away.

"You know you love me" Eirlys quoted him as she leaned forward, placing a hand on his chest before she gently kissed his cheek "I'll see you on the morrow"

Aemond sighed as a small smile graced his lips. He turned around to walk back to his own chambers once Eirlys had shut the doors to her own.

The two of them had been the closest of friends ever since they could remember. And even though she'd never kissed his cheek before, the innocent gesture wasn't much of a surprise. They had grown so close over the years that by now it was almost natural with their increase in age.

The young prince found himself smiling as he walked all the way back to his quarters, suddenly unsure why that tiny little gesture of her kissing his cheek made something momentarily flutter in his chest.

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now