Chapter Five

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The news of Laenor's death came as a shock to the young Eirlys.

The girl was informed of her father's passing a few moments after she woke up and the rumours had already begun to spread, saying that the princess Rhaenyra played a part in ordering the death of her husband.

Eirlys was not one to pay much heed to servants' gossip but when her mother informed her of her decision to leave for Dragonstone and wed Daemon, the young girl began to have her doubts.

Since Eirlys was betrothed to the young prince Aemond, she was to stay at the Red Keep, as queen Alicent's ward.

Eirlys did want to be with her family to grieve the loss of her late father, but duty came before all else and the princess wasn't left with much of a choice with regards to where she would take residence.

Aemond did try to offer some consolation but there was nothing he could possibly say that would provide much comfort to a person who'd just lost their father.

In the days that followed, he tried to provide some distraction to keep her mind preoccupied from the grief. He'd help her with her valerian, ask her to watch him train with Vhagar and on some occasions, had her take lessons in archery along with him.

Aegon did try to be of some help as well but his only solution was to drink wine and Alicent did not approve of his ideas.

Halaena sometimes sat with the girl during the late hours of noon to teach her embroidery, something the younger girl was not as good at; as they watched Dareon play with his toys.

It had been a few years since Eirlys had said goodbye to her family. She was fourteen now and had gotten some what accustomed to living without her mother and brothers by her side.

She was presently sitting in Aemond's chambers, the both of them reading a book.

"Z-zirila iemny maz-verdatan leda zihon riña" Eirlys struggled to read the text, pronouncing a handful of the words incorrectly.

"Zirȳla iemny mazverdatan lēda zȳhon riña" Aemond repeated, emphasising on the words she'd mispronounced "it means her belly swelled with his child"

"Oh" she simply stated before she paused for a few moments, her mind lost to her thoughts.

"How does one come to be with child?" She asked, completely clueless "I've heard they have to kiss-"

"No," Aemond looked at her like she was daft "I overheard someone say they have to sleep together"

"How does that even work?" Eirlys tilted her head in confusion.

"I don't know" Aemond shrugged, now slightly intrigued by the discussion "I suppose they have to sleep in the same bed and then on the morrow the woman will be with child"

"But that's-" the girl huffed in annoyance "what if you're in the woods or someplace else and it's cold, and you have to hold the person next to you for warmth to fall asleep? I don't want to be with child just because I was cold"

"But if you're in the woods you won't be asleep on a bed silly" the prince quickly responded.

"Why does a bed play an importance?"

"Like I said, I don't know. I just heard one of the servants say something like "he took her to bed and they slept together a few nights after as well" when they were talking about that wet nurse who got pregnant"

"Your mother must know" Eirlys asked hopefully "I mean she's got to, she's had four children already"

"I am not asking my mother this" Aemond rolled his eyes "you ask her and then tell me"

"She's your mother" Eirlys argued "you do it"

"Well I won't, let's find someone else who'd know"

"Aegon might" the princess stated, as she closed shut the book, no longer interested in learning the language momentarily.

"Aegon?" Aemond's expression switched from interested to disappointed while he picked up the book and stood to go and put it back on the shelf "he's an idiot, all he does is drink wine and sneak out the castle after dark"

"And he's older" Eirlys tried to persuade the boy as she walked toward him "he must know. Just ask him about it, doesn't hurt just to inquire"

"Alright" Aemond sighed in defeat, not really knowing who else to ask.

"Aemond?" Eirlys called out, another question coming to mind "if a kiss doesn't leave you with child, why do people do it?"

"I think people who are close enough who want to deepen their bond do it" he tried to think of a reason "probably just a show of affection"

"Well, we're close" she looked down at her hands on her lap "and we've never..."

"Hmm, I suppose we haven't" Aemond recalled, as he nervously glanced at her "d-do you want to, perhaps try?"

"I don't mind" Eirlys innocently shrugged as she turned to look at him.

The two of them nervously leaned in, eyes fluttered shut.

"Wait" Aemond softly called out as he quickly opened his eye, Eirlys doing the same "where do I put my hands?"

"I- i don't know" Eirlys answered as she too suddenly felt it awkward having her arms just dropped at her sides "should we just hold hands?"

The boy held both her hands in his, her palms facing down and his facing up, similar to how one would hold their partner's hands while they recited their vows at their wedding.

The two once again closed their eyes and leaned in, Aemond gently pecked Eirlys' lips before they both pulled back.

"Is that it?" She asked, not sure what to expect in truth.

"I uh" Aemond nervously rubbed the back of his neck "I thought it was alright, don't see the fuss about a kiss like the way they mention in books"

"I know" Eirlys agreed "it's just... so simple"

The two of them didn't really think much of it later, not really expecting it to be so bland. They quickly began talking about something else, the topic of kissing slowly losing their interest.

"I was thinking about getting a jewel in place of the eye I lost" Aemond told the princess as he pointed to the eye patch he had begun wearing.

"Really? That'd look amazing"

"I know" he smiled, proud at the little idea he had "I was thinking of which one though, perhaps an emerald?"

"No, too much green" the girl disapproved as she remembered the green vests he so often wore "how about a sapphire instead?"

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now