Chapter Twenty-one

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It had been a few days since Aemond and Eirlys' conversation and things were slowly starting to get better between the two.

It still wasn't the same as all once was but she had started to acknowledge his presence and converse with him, so that was something Aemond considered as progress.

Yet the prince had still got Daeron to deal with. The boy didn't seem fazed at all by his older brother's threats and he most certainly didn't seem to be holding back with his advances on Eirlys.

"I should take my leave" Aemond stood up from his chair "Cole will be awaiting me at the yard"

Aemond and Eirlys had been at the library for the entirety of the morning. The prince and his princess were both reading a book transcripted in high valerian. The boy occasionally grinned with pride when Eirlys managed to perfectly translate sentences and even form grammatically accurate sentences of her own, now showcasing a lot more familiarity with the language that she previously used to struggle with.

"You should" Eirlys replied with a smile.

"Should I walk you back to your chambers?" He sweetly asked.

"You needn't bother" she politely declined his offer "I wish to stay here and read some more"

"May I get a kiss before I depart?" He smirked as he took his chance, still craving for that kiss she'd denied him days ago.

"You may not" the princess crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned forward, antagonising him further "but do keep trying my prince, maybe someday I might just give in"

"You're playing a dangerous game" Aemond jested as he chuckled at her resilience. He smiled at her one last time before he bowed "princess"

"My prince" she gave him a curt nod before he took his leave.

Once she was sure he'd left the library, she quickly rose to her feet and made her way to a certain isle as she began to scan through all of them in search of a certain book she'd eyed a few nights earlier.

She'd wished she'd have just borrowed it that very night but Aegon ended up doing it the day after and had only returned it the previous night.

A smile danced across her lips when her fingers traced the spine of the book she was on the hunt for, the old leather bind feeling rough beneath her touch.

She wasted no time in pulling the book out and away from the rest before she made her way back to her chair in the corner of the room, shielded away from most of the visitors of the library.

She skimmed through some of the pages, not quite finding what she was looking for just yet. She could feel her heart race as a certain sensation of adrenaline washed over her with an undertone of curiosity.


She quickly shut the book.

"What?" Daeron asked at her sudden change in behaviour.

"Nothing, just startled me is all" she quickly responded "Aemond has already left, if that's why you're here-"

"That's a book based on erotica" The prince calmly stated, his expression still staying emotionless "didn't think I would find you reading it"

"Is it that surprising for a woman to give into her curiosity?" Eirlys briskly questioned with a raise of her brow as she eyed the prince.

"It's the level of vulgarity used in the book that had me surprised to find you interested enough to read it" Daeron took a step forward as he momentarily eyed the book "since when have you taken an interest in such fancies"

"As I mentioned, it's purely out of curiosity" Eirlys stood up.

"The things mentioned though" he pointed at the book "I'm afraid the words will do them little justice as opposed to experiencing them for yourself, don't you agree?"

Eirlys' eyes widened as she stood there speechless when she heard him remotely suggest the idea of indulging sex rather than just merely reading about it.

"Oh don't tell me you're..." the boy trailed off before he cleared his throat, her silence giving him the answer he was looking for "you've never partaken in anything intimate have you?"

"That is none of your concern" she sharply told him, not willing to admit that she was still inexperienced. And of course there stood the fact that that bit of information was private.

"Nothing to be ashamed of" he shrugged as he fought back the urge to grin at how innocent she truly was "most men prefer a woman untouched"

"What makes you think this has anything to do with how I am to be perceived or desired by men?" Eirlys questioned with a hint of venom lacing her words, not all liking being subjected to making her decisions based on the whims and fancies of men.

"Does it have to do with my brother's negligence then?" He pried further, not taking the hint that Eirlys was not interested in prolonging this conversation any more that what was already spoken. He was so accustomed to Aegon talking about such subjects as comfortably and shamelessly as any other conversation that he didn't really understand that this was an improper topic.

"How does any of this concern you?" Eirlys asked after a pause, momentarily thinking about how she should've just gone to her chambers instead of staying back "besides, a woman of my status cannot afford to lose her virtue before she has been wed"

"Who said anything about losing your virtue" Daeron made a face at how little she knew "you needn't have to sacrifice that to lose yourself to pleasure.. have you never touched yourself?"

"I- I beg your pardon?"

Daeron stood there with his mouth agape when he realised the depth of her innocence. She knew almost nothing about intimacy with perhaps the exception of the vague idea of what a man and woman usually do on the night of their wedding.

"I see that Aemond has left you deprived" he huffed a sigh "seems as though he wants to keep you from these-"

"They're not Aemond's decisions to make" Eirlys gathered her things to leave, not wanting to talk any further on the subject "they're mine"

"Why are you still betrothed to him?" Daeron blurted out "that twat does very little to show you he feels for you"

"Hold your tongue, prince Daeron" Eirlys' tone grew dark. Of course she and Aemond had a bit of a fall out but he was still her closest friend and her betrothed. She wouldn't allow another to speak ill against him, let alone talk her out of this marriage "you forget yourself. He is your elder and my future lord husband. The next time you chose to speak his name with no regard of respect toward him, I will have your tongue for it"

Daeron grinned at her words. She'd used the very same threat Aemond had and for some reason it make him chuckle at how alike their thoughts were.

"Thought you were upset at him for how he had been treating you" he recalled the time he'd seen her crying in the library "though now it is evident that the air has been cleared out between the both of you"

"Oh and besides" she walked away from her table, making her way to the isles of books that led her to the exit "intimacy isn't the only way to express one's feelings, as you so put it"

"I agree, it isn't the only way" the boy took a step toward as he reached out to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear, letting his hand linger as the tips of his fingers ever so slightly grazed her skin in his attempt to caress her cheek "but actions hold a lot more weight over words, wouldn't you agree, princess?"

"I shall take my leave" Eirlys simply replied as she walked past him, clutching all her books tightly.

"Page six and twenty" he called out without turning to look at her "you might find those of use"

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