Chapter Forty-seven

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Eirlys took a deep breath before she knocked on Aegon's door.

She didn't tell Aemond about her visit, who she had last seen on the morrow after which he was summoned by Alicent and Otto to discuss about the lords in support of Aegon.

She wanted to talk to the older boy so that they might reach a certain understanding. In a way she was doing this to ensure his safety too. The previous time she had easily convinced Rhaenys to spare them but she knew there wasn't much she could do during war that could let them walk away with their lives.

Daeron was the one who opened the door.

"Is Aegon.." Eirlys peeked inside to see if the boy was present.

"He's been drinking all morning" Daeron sighed "he is a bit drunk"

Perfect, she thought. What better time to convince him to give up his crown than when he couldn't think straight?

She held her head up high and walked past Daeron to go and talk to Aegon.

"I wish to speak with him alone" she simply stated without turning to look at Daeron "you may wait outside"

The prince obliged, though he was hesitant. Aegon could be quiet difficult to handle when he was drunk.

"Eirlys my dearest sister" Aegon clapped as she sat on a chair across him "what is the matter? Have you come to announce your support for me?"

"I want to help you keep your life"

"Haah?" Aegon looked at her as if she'd asked him a question in high valyrian. He was still behind in his lessons in the langusge.

"As long as you are king, the threat of war stands and if there is to be one, which I am sure of, you will be among the first to die" she told him as he proceeded to take another sip of his wine "If you renounce your claim, the realm will be at peace and you, and your family will be pardoned"

"So I won't have to sit in that uncomfortable chair?" Aegon asked "no duty only more wine"

"Uh, yes" Eirlys was a bit amused by how he was more happy about being able to drink all day over the fact that he'd keep his life "so you agree with what I'm saying?"

"I don't know, It felt nice when the crowd chanted my name as i was crowned. Aegon Aegon!" Aegon re-enacted the scene for her, waving his fist in the air "it was nice that father picked me, I suppose"

"Do you really believe that? Why would he do it suddenly after so many years and more so in the presence of no one other than your mother. After which he immediately was found dead" She tried to make him see how absurd it sounded "don't you think if he wanted you as king he would've named you heir much sooner and publicly?"

Aegon's cheerful demeanour shifted instantly as he felt a pang of sorrow in his heart. He of course had his doubts but he had begun to hope that maybe his father did have some love for him after all.

But hearing Eirlys suggest otherwise with a look of pity made him upset and his reaction was enhanced by the alcohol in his system.

"So that's what you truly think of me, that I was could never truly be capable" his voice cracked as he placed his cup on wine on the table beside him "I thought you were the one person who would stick up for me but no, you're just like everyone else, constantly reminding me I amount to nothing"

"Oh, Aegon-"

"And now the one time I am given something, a role that puts me in the light, you want to rip it away from me" a single tear rolled down "you are just like everyone else"

Eirlys tried to calm him down but the boy wouldn't let her speak. He suddenly stood up, knocking over his chalice that was placed on the little table by his leg and began to yell. The sudden ruckus even brought Daeron rushing into the room.

"You are no sister to me" Aegon snapped "You are a traitor to the crown just like your bastard brothers and your whore of a mother. You will bow to me or I will burn everything you love, you hear me? Look at me when the king speaks to you!"

He bellowed as he spoke the last bit, raising his hand to strike her across the face but Daeron had already broken into a run, putting himself in between Aegon and Eirlys wilst holding his older brother's raised arm.

"You do not raise you hand on the princess" Daeron darkly warned as he tightened the grip on Aegon's hand, making him wince "being king does not permit you to forget your morals"

Aegon snapped out of his drunken daze when he processed what he had done. He turned toward Eirlys only to see her looking back at him absolutely horrified.

"Eirlys I.." he had never regretted anything more than when he realised he'd almost slapped his sweet Eirlys "I'm sorry.. I didn't.."

"You have said enough" She gave him a curt nod before she stood up and turned to leave. The moment she was far enough from his chambers she brought her hands up to cover her face, slumping down in a corner and cried. 

She had never imagined in all of her years that Aegon would ever raise a hand to her. 

Aemond was unaware of this since he wasn't even in the castle when all of it took place. He was sent as an envoy of the king, to storm's end.

Aegon thanked the gods for this.

Everything around Eirlys was starting to crumble and she could see people change before her very eyes.

This was what Otto and his daughter had done to them, she thought, a wedge in between their friendships.

She quickly stood up and furiously wiped away the tears and headed back to her chambers. She did not want anyone seeing like this: Broken.

Innocence// AEMOND TARGARYEN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now