Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:

Finally, I had finished unpacking. After moving from New Zealand to Australia to escape my ex, it had been, well busy. I hadn't even had time to explore the rest of Adelaide. I decided to chill on the couch with my ginger cat, Garfield (You can change the name if you want). I turned on the T.V and watched the boys on YouTube. As I watched the boys overnight in the most haunted jail, I thought about how hot Smashing looked. After a few more videos I decided to go to sleep.

*Time skip to morning*

I woke up and decided to have a shower. After I got out, I got dressed into one of my favourite outfits. I then asked Google where the closet cafe was. "The closet cafe is called Breeze Cafe and is about 15 minutes away." Google replied. "Okay thanks Google.". I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door making sure I had locked it. I then hopped into my car and drove to the cafe.

Josh's POV:

Mully, Smashing and I decided to go to our favourite cafe for brekkie. I put on my favourite black hoodie and pink beanie and ran downstairs. "You boys ready to go?" I asked. Mully nodded his head and Smashing jumped up and down. I guess they are ready. "Okay to the car." I said as I grabbed the keys. We hopped in the car; I was driving with Mully beside me and Smashing in the back. When we got to the Breeze Cafe we sat down at our normal table and ordered breakfast.

Y/N's POV:

When I finally found the cafe, I hopped out of my car and walked inside. My jaw dropped. There sitting in the right corner of the cafe was Joshdub, Mully and Smashing.

A/N: Okay thanks for reading. Please let me know if you would like more of this story. Anyway, bye guys have a nice day/night.

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