Chapter 20

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Eddie's POV:

We met up with Narrator at the airport and went inside. We quickly dealed with the luggage and went through security before heading to the waiting area to wait for our plane. When it arrived, we showed the security person our tickets before going onto the plane. We all sat down in our seats and got ready for the plane to take off.

"What's the plan for when we arrive at Y/N's house?" Gabby asked me as we buckled up our seatbelts.

"Put our stuff in the rooms we'll be staying in and then work out who's going with who." I replied. Gabby and the boys looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" Narrator asked.

"Well, to make it quicker we can do it in pairs to help prepare for the wedding." I replied and they were still a little confused.

"Do you mean like each one of us will help one of them?" Juicy asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah. We can decide now or wait until we get there." I replied.

"Let's decide now so then we have more time when we get there." Gabby replied and I nodded my head.

"Narrator with Mully, Juicy with Josh, Gabby with Smashing and I'll be with Y/N. Unless you want to swap." I said looking at Gabby. She shook her head.

"No, it's fine. It's probably better to have a boy's opinion when picking a dress." She replied and I just nodded my head. I layed my head back and started to fall asleep.

Josh's POV:

I was upstairs helping prepare the guest rooms for when the boys and Gabby get here. Y/N had told us that they were coming to help us get ready for the wedding. We finished the rooms, and I went to find Y/N.

"Finished Y/N, is it okay if I go record?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Of course, no need to ask. You live here and can do whatever." She replied and I smiled.

"Thanks Y/N." I said before hurrying to mine and Mully's room. I walked in and locked the door behind me before turning back around and jumping. Mully was laying on the bed looking at me smiling. I sighed.

"Seriously Mully, you didn't have to give me a heart attack." I joked. He laughed quietly.

"Sorry Joshy. What brings you in here anyway?" He asked as I sat down on my chair.

"Just going to record a YLYL video." I replied. He got up and sat on the chair next to me.

"I'm joining!" He exclaimed making me jump again. I sighed as I turned on my laptop and pressed the record button. Mully and I watched the Tik Toks my discord had sent me. After the first five I felt Mully place his hand on mine causing me to blush.

Mully's POV:

Josh laughed and I quickly looked at him. He looked back and covered his mouth realizing that he had laughed. 

"Please Mull, don't make me do anything bad." He pleaded and I chuckled.

"Don't worry Joshy I won't, I just want you to kiss me." I replied smiling. He looked confused.

"Why Mully?" He asked and I looked at the camera.

"I want the fans to know that we are dating." I whispered and he smiled. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was only a short kiss, but it still felt amazing.

"Okay thanks for watching and thanks for joining Mully. Anyway, see you next time, Bye!" Josh said staring at the camera. I pressed the button to stop recording and he smiled at me.

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