Chapter 4

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Josh's POV:

I woke up and got out of bed very grumpy, I had been having the best dream about Mully. I tiredly walked down the stairs to make myself some breakfast. I made some pancakes then put them on a plate and sat at the table. I slowly ate them as I went on my phone seeing a text from Eddie.

(E=Eddie, J=Josh)

E: Hey Dawg! What's up?

J: Not much, just eating brekkie.

E: Nice. Any plans for today

J: Nah, I'm probably just going to record. Anyway, I want to tell you something.

E: What?

J: Never mind. Anyway, got to go. Bye.

E: See you Josh

I turned my phone off and placed it on the table. I finished my breakfast and put the plate in the dishwasher. I really want to tell Eddie about my crush on Mully but I just can't.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up and got changed into a pink hoodie and some black leggings. I then walked downstairs and sat on the couch turning the T.V on. I then checked my phone and saw a message from my Mum. It read, Your ex-Nate has married the bitch he slept with that time you were on holiday. I rolled my eyes. At least the crazy idiot finally got another girl to cheat on. Well, I don't need him, I have the boys. I started to blush as I thought about Smashing. I heard a knock on my door, so I went to check who it was. I opened the door and standing in front of me was a crying Josh wearing an oversized Mully hoodie. I let him inside and he sat down on the couch, and I went to the kitchen to get some coffee. I knew we were going to need it.

Josh's POV: 

I sat on Y/N's couch crying while she left to go get something. I sat there thinking about the text Mully had sent me. I couldn't believe he had a girlfriend. I started crying louder. Y/N walked in and handed me a coffee and then sat beside me. She pulled me closer, and I rested my head on her shoulder. I slowly stopped crying as Y/N waited patiently, all she wanted was to be there for me. I wiped the tears away.

"Okay Josh, what's wrong?" She asked.

"This is going to sound weird but." I said stopping because I was scared to say the rest.

"Don't worry I won't judge." She replied.

"Mully has a girlfriend." I said quickly.

"Shouldn't you be happy for him?" She asked me. 

"Yeah, but I have a crush on him." I replied.

"Oh." She said. Y/N just looked at me not knowing what to say. Honestly, I wouldn't know what to say either. I started to cry, and she hugged me.

Y/N's POV:

After I stopped hugging Josh, I thought about what he had just told me. Mully had a girlfriend, but Josh was sad because he liked Mully. So I guess that means Josh is gay, wow nice. I need to find out what would cheer him up.

"Hey Josh. What would cheer you up?" I asked him.

"Um maybe seeing the boys in real life again." He replied.

"Okay can I use your phone?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied. He gave me his phone and told me the password. I unlocked his phone and ran upstairs and went in my room. I quickly scrolled through his messages before I found one of the boys.

(J=You (because you're on Josh's phone), E=Eddie)

J: Hey Eddie, I'm Y/N one of Josh's friends.

E: Oh, hi Y/N. May I ask why you're on Josh's phone?

J: Yeah, about that. Josh is sad and I was wondering if you and the rest of the boys could come to Australia to cheer him up. 

E: Yeah sure. Be there tomorrow.

J: Alright thanks Eddie, Bye.

I quickly ran downstairs to Josh and told him he could stay for a while.

Eddie's POV:

I texted Narrator and Juicy to tell them we would be flying to Australia tomorrow. They didn't understand why we had to leave so soon but I told them it was urgent. I then went to the kitchen to tell Gabby and she was so excited to go see her Australian friends again. I then went on my laptop to book four tickets to Australia. I luckily found some. I wondered what was wrong with Josh, we normally record every day, and he always looks fine. Well, I better start packing I thought. Australia won't be ready for this Mexican. 

Mully's POV:

I hung up after being on a call with my new girlfriend Chloe. I sighed now not knowing what to do. Maybe I should call Josh. Ahh! Even though I've got a new girlfriend I'm still thinking about him. I heard a notification, so I checked my phone to see what it was. I was secretly hoping it was a message from Josh, but it wasn't. It was a message from Smashing.

S: Hey Mull, congrats on the new girlfriend. 

M: Thanks Smashing, hopefully you get a girl soon.

S: Yeah, I hope.

M: Like Y/N.

S: What no! What are you talking about?

M: Calm down, I was only joking. Anyway, bye.

S: Bye Mully.

I turned my phone off and put it on the couch. I should make some dinner I thought to myself. I hope Josh is okay I thought while cooking.

Smashing's POV:

I put my phone down after talking to Mully, and I went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I was blushing! What? Who did Mully mention that would make me blush? Oh yeah right, I remember. It was Y/N. I haven't actually spoken to her today, I hope she's alright. Maybe I should text her.

S: Hey Y/N, are you alright?

Y: Yeah, I'm just taking care of Josh.

S: Good I was starting to get worried. What's wrong with Josh?

Y: He's just upset about something. Anyway, got to go.

S: Bye Y/N.

At least I know Y/N's okay. I wonder what's wrong with Josh and why he went to Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

I felt myself turn red after talking to Smashing I got up from the couch to go make some dinner for Josh and me. I was thinking about Smashing and then halfway through cooking I felt someone near me.

"Talking to Smashing, were you?" Josh asked.

"N-No." I replied as I dished up our tea. I then put the plates on the table and sat down.

"Your face says otherwise." He said. We both eat our tea and then I stand up and put our plates in the dishwasher.

"Time for bed. You can sleep on the couch." I said. Josh nodded his head as he walked over to the couch. I walked up the stairs and into my room. 

"Night Josh!" I yelled out.

"Night Y/N!" I heard Josh yell back. I slowly closed my eyes and went to sleep.

(A/N: Sorry guys this chapter was mainly about Josh's crush on Mully and next chapter will be when the boys come to Australia. I will try to add a bit more of Smashing and Y/N in the next chapter. Anyway, thanks for reading have a nice day/night!

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