Chapter 7

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Y/N's POV:

I stopped crying and slowly got up and off the floor. I then ordered an Uber before walking downstairs to return the key to the front desk. After I returned the key to the front desk, I walked outside to wait for my Uber. I suddenly heard a familiar voice; it sent shivers down my spine.

 "Hey Y/N, long time no see. I've missed you." I turned around to see my ex approaching me. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He smiled then laughed. 

"Looking for you of course." He replied about to touch me when suddenly my Uber appeared. I quickly got in and told the driver my address. As I left, I saw Nate hop into his car. When I got home, I quickly paid then sprinted inside and locked the door. I heard someone banging on my door.

"Let me inside right now!" Nate yelled. I started to shiver.

"Fuck off Nate!" I yelled as I went on my phone to text the boys.

Y: Boys! Please help! My ex is at the door.

N: We're on our way!

J: Yeah. What Narrator said!

I sat there shivering as Nate continued yelling and banging on the door.

Josh's POV:

I jumped into my car and started speeding to Y/N's house. That bastard! I will bash him when I get there I thought while driving. I arrived at Y/N's house and Mully was the only one there. He was already yelling at Y/N's ex. I walked up to help.

"Fuck off cunt! She doesn't want you here!" Mully yelled. I stood back and watched not wanting to get in the way.

"And you think I care." He replied. Mully punched him in the face just as the other boys rocked up.

"Alright you come with me!" Narrator yelled as he grabbed Y/N's ex by the ear and dragged him away as he screamed in pain. I knocked on the door and Y/N let us inside her face covered in tear stains. We all sat on the couch.

Gaege's POV:

I sat next to Y/N on the couch as she told us what happened. She then explained how Smashing had left to catch a plane back to WA. She then started to cry so I wrapped my arms around her. I slightly blushed.

"That arsehole! He shouldn't have left you." I said as her head rested on my chest. I was blushing quite a lot.

"He probably needed to go back home for something important." She replied as she slowly stopped crying. She wiped her eyes and gave me a tight hug. I hid my red face.

"Thanks Gaege." She whispered. I smiled.

"No problem, Y/N." I replied blushing. The rest of the boys talked about girls and who they liked. Mully and Josh sat there blushing a dark shade of red. I smiled a little.

"So Juicy who do you like?" Eddie asked me. I started blushing thinking about Y/N.

"Uh N-No o-one." I replied as Narrator walked through the front door.

"Don't worry Y/N, I dealt with the bastard." Narrator said as he sat on the couch next to Eddie. Y/N mumbled a small thanks then continued to hug me. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Josh and Y/N went to her room. I sighed. 

Josh's POV:

We sat on Y/N's bed as she told me more details about what had happened with Smashing.

"We did it." She said empraphasing the it. I was so shocked.

"You did the devils tango?" I asked whispering. She laughed.

"Yes!" She yelled. I shushed her. She giggled then frowned.

"But then he left in the morning before I woke up." Y/N said starting to cry a little.

"Y/N, he probably brought the ticket before you arrived. He was most likely angry at himself for calling you a slut." I replied trying to comfort her. She stopped crying.

"Yeah true. Anyway, I want to hear about you and Mully." She said smiling. I blushed a little. I then told her about mine and Mully's 'moment'. 

Eddie's POV:

"You like her, don't you?" I asked Juicy. He blushed a little.

"Y-Yeah maybe I-I d-do." He replied hiding his face.

"She's Smashing's!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and stopped smiling.

"I know but he left her!" Juicy yelled before running out the front door. I didn't even bother to chase him.

"I'll go get him." Narrator said as he ran out the door to catch Juicy. He likes Y/N! I couldn't believe it! We both knew Y/N was Smashing's.

Y/N's POV: 

As Josh and I walked down the stairs I saw Eddie standing in the loungeroom with an angry expression on his face. Mully was sitting quietly on the couch behind him.

"Hey Eddie, what's wrong? And where's Juicy and Narrator?" I asked. He looked at me.

"I'm fine, Juicy and Narrator went for a run." Eddie replied. I believed him and sat on the couch wishing Smashing was here. I sighed sadly looking at Josh and Mully.

"Eddie we're leaving!" Narrator yelled as he opened the door. Eddie waved to us, and we waved back. He walked out the door and we sat in complete silence. I look up and see Josh and Mully blushing. I get up and go to my room.

Mully's POV:

I watched as Josh got up to follow Y/N.

"Wait Josh! I need to tell you something." I said. He sat down next to me blushing. 

"What?" He asked. I felt him grab my hand, so I start to blush.

"Juicy likes Y/N." I whispered. He looked at me shocked.

"But Y/N likes Smashing." He replied. I sighed.

" I know and so do he, he's jealous." I said as Josh started to get up.

"I'm going home this is too much information to comprehend." He said heading out the door. I sighed sadly.

Y/N's POV:

"Where's Josh?" I asked Mully after I had come back downstairs. 

"Uh, he went home." Mully replied. I sighed then noticed Mully blushing.

"Um can I tell you something?" Mully asked blushing really red.

"Sure." I replied. He took a deep breath.

"I like Josh. Like I mean I have a crush on him." He said blushing a dark shade of red. I smiled.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter wasn't that long everyone, I was quite tired today and couldn't come up with many ideas. I promise I'll try harder in the next chapter. Have a nice day/night everyone <3)

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