Chapter 17

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Smashing's POV:

Y/N and I walked inside the house and the puppies ran over to us, jumping all over us. We walked over to the couch and saw Josh sleeping on top of Mully, his arms wrapped around Josh. We smiled as we looked at the adorable sight in front of us.

"Should we wake them up?" Y/N whispered. I shook my head and she walked to the kitchen. I followed her and the dogs followed me.

"I have good names for the puppies." She said quietly. I raised my eyebrow.

"What are they?" I asked. She looked at me smiling.

"Well, the boy can be Taco to honor uncle Eddie. And the girl can be Fruity in honor of Juicy." She replied happily. I sighed.

"Yeah, that's fine." I muttered. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Look, you need to forgive Juicy. You know I love you more than him, he's just a friend." She replied. I sighed and she gave me a tight hug.

"Alright, Taco and Fruity it is." I answered and she ran off to her room to text Eddie. I smiled.

Y/N's POV:

I sat on my bed ready to text Eddie. I quickly find him on my contacts and message him.

Y: Hey Eddie. Have I got news for you!

E: What is it dawg?

Y: Firstly, I lost the baby and can't get pregnant again. But that's alright.

E: I'm sorry to hear Y/N. Wishing you and Smashing the best!

Y: Thanks Eddie. Anyway, we also have new dogs and I named one to honor you.

E: You named it Eddie. That's going to be confusing.

Y: No, I named it Taco. And I named the other one to honor Juicy. Her name is Fruity.

E: Nice! I feel so honored. I also will tell Juicy.

Y: Thanks Eddie! Bye, say hi to Gabby for me.

E: Will do! Talk again soon!

I turned my phone off and ran downstairs as Josh and Mully started to wake up.

Josh's POV:

I woke up and realized I was on top of Mully, I started to blush. I tried to move but his arms were wrapped tightly around me. He slowly woke up also noticing that I was on top of him. He started blushing as he quickly let go of me and I stood up. We heard laughing and it made us both jump. I turned around and saw Y/N and Smashing standing there laughing.

"I-I d-didn't r-realize y-you g-guys w-were h-home." I stuttered. They slowly stopped laughing.

"Well, surprise! That was so cute and funny to watch." Y/N replied as Smashing wrapped his arm around her shoulder. I started to blush.

"Shut up! It was not funny." Mully exclaimed. I felt my cheeks begin to burn as he grabbed my hand. 

"So, does that mean it was cute?" Smashing asked.

"Look, anything involving Josh is cute. So, yes it was." Mully replied. My face was probably the darkest shade of red you could ever find.

"Awwwww!" They said in unison. Mully blushed. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the head.

"Thanks, Mully." I whispered and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Anyway, we have names for the puppies." Y/N announced. We both looked at her.

"What are they?" I asked as I escaped from Mully's hug.

"Taco and Fruity. In honor of Eddie and Juicy." She replied smiling. I looked at Smashing and he was nodding his head.

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