Chapter 14

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Y/N's POV:

Smashing and I were chilling on the couch when there was a knock on the front door. Must be my family I thought as I got up and opened the front door. My mum gave me a tight hug.

"Hey Sweetie, it's nice to see you again." She said as her, dad and my sister came inside. Smashing walked into the room to meet my family. 

"Hey guys, this is my boyfriend Ayden." I replied as Smashing stood beside me.

"G'day, it's nice to meet you all. You can call me Smashing." He said as he smiled at them.

"Wait! Your telling me your dating the Youtuber you liked?" My sister asked. I blushed a little.

"Yeah. I'm also carrying his child." I replied nervously. My family gave me a big hug while saying there congrats. 

Smashing's POV:

While Y/N was showing her parents and her sister their rooms I started to make some dinner. I put the vegetables in a pot on the stove and then put the chicken schnizels in the oven. I then started to set the table when Y/N's sister walked in.

"Oh hi Y/N's sister." I said as I finished setting the table. She chuckled quietly.

"Please call me Lucy. I just came to congratulate you." She replied as she started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Thanks Lucy." I said smiling. Y/N's family seemed so nice. Maybe they would accept me into the family I thought as I started to dish up tea.

Mully's POV:

Josh and I walked into the restaurant that I had booked a table at. I told the waitress my name and she took us to our table. We sat down and Josh looked at me smiling.

"This place is lovely. Thanks for bringing me here." Josh said as he started to read the menu. I smiled as I started to read my menu too.

"Anything for my adorable boyfriend." I replied as I put my menu down. I looked at Josh who was looking at me, his cheeks red. I smiled at him, and he hid his face. The waitress walked up to our table, and we ordered our food. She then walked away again.

"Mully, I'm hard." Josh whispered. I looked at him and his face was as red as a rose.

"Well, I guess we'll have to eat quickly." I replied as the waitress came back with our food. We both ate quickly then we left the restaurant and went to my car. Josh started to rub my leg as we drove away.

Josh's POV: 

"Josh stop! I'm trying to focus on the road." Mully said while trying to drive.

"Please Mully. It'll be quick." I whined as my hand got closer to his crotch. He sighed as he drove onto a dirt road surrounded by bush and no cars. He parked on the side of the road before taking his seatbelt off. 

"Alright. Get in the back." Mully grunted. I obeyed, climbing into the back with him right behind me. He pushed me against the car door as he began to kiss me. He slid his tongue in as he explored my mouth. He then began to kiss my neck leaving lots of hickeys. He then stripped both of us. He then put my cock inside his mouth and began sucking. I moaned loudly before I cummed inside his mouth. He swallowed it before lining his dick up with my hole and pushing himself inside of me. I began to moan as he started to go harder and faster. "OH DADDY" I moaned loudly. He groaned as he reached his climax and cummed inside me, I cummed all over his chest. He was breathing heavily as he put his clothes back on and gave me mine. When I was dressed, we climbed back up the front and drove back to his house.

Gaege's POV:

"Have you heard from Y/N lately?" I asked Eddie as we sat on the couch watching T.V.

"No. But I'm sure she's having fun with her family." He replied. I sighed as I stood up and went to the room Y/N and I were meant to share. Now it's only me. I went on my phone deciding to text Y/N.

Ju: Hey Y/N! How have you been?

Y: I'm amazing! Me and Smashing are back together. Also, my family are visiting.

Ju: Oh nice! Also, congratulations. Anyway, talk to you later.

I turned my phone off as I began to cry. I can't believe Y/N would choose Smashing over me.

Y/N's POV:

"Give me a minute sis. I have to text Josh." I told my sister as she asked me to to go for a run with her.

"You mean the other youtuber? As in Joshdub?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yep, the one and only. We're best friends." I replied and she looked at me shocked. She then then ran off to tell mum that I was best friends with Joshdub. I took my phone out to text Josh.

Y: Hey Josh! I have a question.

J: What is it Y/N?

Y: Can my family live at your house until you come back?

J: Yes! Just make sure no one goes in my room.

Y: Alright! Thanks Josh. Love you.

I turned my phone off before running to tell my family. They started to pack, extremely excited to live in a famous Youtuber's house.

A/N: Sorry this chapter isn't that long I just wasn't really feeling like myself today. Hopefully I'll upload a better chapter tomorrow. Merry Christmas everyone! 

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