Chapter 3

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Y/N's POV:

When I got home, I hopped out of my car and unlocked the front door. As soon as I walked inside, I saw a dead mouse on the couch. Seriously Garfield I thought to myself as I picked the mouse up. I then threw it in the bin then washed my hands. What should I do now I asked myself. I would call Josh later because I knew he would be recording with the rest of the boys. As I walked up to my room, I realized how tired I was. Maybe I would have a quick nap I thought to myself as I layed down. After a few minutes of thinking about stuff, I slowly closed my eyes. 

Josh's POV:

After I had dropped the boys off at their hotel, I drove myself home to get ready to record. I finally arrived home and got inside. I quickly ran upstairs to join the boys in VR. As I slipped my headset on, I thought about how lonely it was to live alone. If only Mul... No Josh what are you thinking! I joined the boys on the map they had chosen and started recording. I watched as Mully and Smashing's green brush characters ran around and I stood there laughing. Mully was yelling at Smashing, and it was hilarious to watch. We did a few skits that the fans would enjoy, and I thought about how sexy Mully's voice was.

"Hello Earth to Josh, you there mate?" Mully asked breaking through my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry. I have to go um shopping. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow." I replied blushing real red. 

"Alright bye." The boys replied sadly. I left the game and took my headset off. Ahh! How the hell have I fallen in love with my best friend.

Y/N's POV:

I woke feeling really hot after having a dream about Smashing, I guess I was blushing. I rolled over to check the time on my phone. It was already 1pm. I had slept for 3 hours. I sat up and unlocked my phone, I had decided to call Josh. Just got to hope he's not recording. I dialed his number; it rang two times and just before the third he answered.

(J=Josh, Y=Y/N)

J: "Hello?"

Y: "Hey Josh. It's me Y/N."

J: "Of course it is. Anyway, I have a question."

J: "Do you have a crush on Smashing?"

Y: "Um Y-Yeah" My cheeks started to turn red

J: "Knew it. I won't tell anyone, I promise. Anyway, I got to go.

Y: "Okay bye Josh."

I hung up. Well, I guess he figured out I had a crush on Smashing. Let's just hope he keeps promises. 

Josh's POV:

"I knew it!" I yelled after Y/N had hung up. She was terrible at hiding her crush on Smashing. If only I could tell someone, but I promised her I wouldn't. I heard a knock on the door, so I walked over to the door to check who it was. I slowly opened the door and there standing in front of me was...Mully. I started to blush.

"H-Hey mate, what you are doing here?" I asked as I let Mully inside.

"You sounded strange when we were recording so I came to check on you." Mully replied concerned.

"Nothing is wrong, I just need to go shopping." I said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay mate, I'll leave so you can go shopping." He replied as he walked out the door. I sighed.

"See you Mully." I said sadly as I closed the door. I really wanted him to stay but that would be weird. After Mully had left I walked outside and hopped in the car. Hopefully shopping would take my mind off Mully.

Mully's POV: 

I arrived at the hotel sad and worried about Josh. I got into my room sat on the comfy couch. Josh had acting really strange lately and I was extremely worried. I wondered if Y/N had called him yet or if she had ignored him completely. I wish I could call Josh, but he was probably busy shopping. I just hope he starts acting like himself again soon. 

Smashing's POV:

I sat on the couch in my hotel room watching the boy's latest videos. I wondered when Eddie, Juicy and Narrator would come to Australia again. I think we were all starting to miss them, and they defiently needed to meet Y/N. If only I had her number, then I could get to know her more. Wait! Josh might have her number I thought. I quickly texted him to see if he had her number. It took a few minutes, but he finally texted what her number was. I called her number, and she answered straight away.

(S=Smashing, Y=Y/N)

Y: "Hello. Who is this?

S: "It's me Smashing, you dummy."

Y: "Oh, how dare you call me that." I laughed at her pretend hurt voice

S: "Sorry Y/N but at least I have your number."

Y: Yeah, anyway got to go. Bye Smashing."

S: "Alright bye."

I hung up and sighed. Lucky, I now have her number so I can annoy her whenever. I laughed to myself. I quickly checked the time on my phone. Wow! 5pm already, I should start making some dinner.

Y/N's POV:

"OMG!" I screamed after Smashing had hung up. I finally had Smashing's number which was amazing. I was way too excited to cook so I ordered Uber eats instead. When my food got to my house, I ran to the door to get it. Then I sat on my couch next to Garfield and ate it very quickly, I nearly choked. I went on my phone and without even thinking I called Josh.

(J=Josh, Y=Y/N)

J: "Hey, Wha-" He didn't even finish before I interrupted


J: "Yeah, thanks to me."

Y: Thanks so much Josh, you're a legend."

J: "No problem, Y/N. Anyway, I got to go eat tea."

Y: "Alright bye Josh."

I hung up super happy and hyped. Josh was the best, I'm so glad he gave Smashing my number. I ran upstairs and went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.

Josh's POV:

Lucky Y/N I thought to myself as I ate my tea which was a chicken Parmi. Mully makes better Parmi's than this one I thought to myself. Anyway, hopefully Y/N and Smashing will be a thing soon. If only me and Mully could be a thing. I quickly finished my dinner then walked upstairs to brush my teeth. I then hurried to my room to go to sleep. 

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