Chapter 2

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Y/N's POV:

Okay stay calm I thought to myself. I walked to a table sort of near the boys and sat down. I then waited for the waitress to come over so I could order my breakfast. After the waitress walked away, I thought about what to do. Should I go talk to the boys now or after I eat. It took a lot of confidence, but I finally walked over to their table.

Josh's POV: 

The boys and I were talking about what kind of video we should record later today when a girl walked up to our table. We went silent.

"H-Hey I'm Y/N and I just wanted to say I love your videos." She said nervously.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, Are you new around here? This is the first time I've seen you." Smashing replied kindly. I noticed her turn a little red. I looked at the others to if they had noticed. They hadn't. 

"W-Well yeah I am n-new, I moved here from New Zealand just the other day. Anyway, I got to go back to my table." She replied still nervous and turning a bit more red. 

"Okay see ya." We all replied. I watched as she walked to her table and sat down.

Y/N's POV:

Well, that was nerve-racking I thought as I sat down and waited for my breakfast. I had felt my cheeks warm up after hearing Smashing's voice in real life. I hoped no one had noticed. I went on my phone and scrolled through my fyp on Tik Tok until my breakfast arrived. I paid the waitress and said a quick thank you and started eating. The food was amazing, it felt like I was in heaven. I looked up noticing someone sitting at my table. It was... Joshdub? I quickly wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Hey, what's up Josh?" I asked casually trying not to have a panic attack.

"Not much, just wanted to talk about something." He replied calmly looking me in the eye. I gulped. He was so calm about talking to me while I was freaking out.

"What?" I asked my palms starting to sweat.

"About Smashing." He replied grinning. I felt my cheeks go really hot. 

Mully's POV:

Smashing and I were talking about random stuff when I looked over at Josh and Y/N. Josh was grinning and Y/N was really red. I got up to go help her.

"Josh it's time to go home." I said calmly. Josh got scared and jumped.

"Damn Mully you scared me." Josh said once he had calmed down.

"Sorry mate but it's time to go." I replied. Josh quickly wrote something on a napkin and handed it to Y/N.

"Okay let's go boys." Josh said as he stood up. I looked at Josh and nodded my head.

"Bye Y/N, see you soon." We all said looking at Y/N. She waved and we walked out the door and headed to the car. 

Y/N's POV: 

After the boys had left, I looked at the napkin Josh had given me. I unfolded it and found he had written his phone number on it. I quickly added his phone number to my phone. I would call him later. I quickly finished my breakfast and then I stood up and hurriedly walked outside. I got to my car and hopped in starting the engine. 

A/N: Thanks for reading, leave any suggestions for this story in the comments. Have a lovely day/night <3

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