Chapter 10

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Josh's POV:

I sat on the chair thinking about Mully kissing someone that wasn't me, when I felt someone sit beside me and wrap their arm around me. I rested my head on their shoulder.

"What's wrong Josh?" Y/N asked me. She hugged me tighter as I started to cry again.

"M-Mully was k-kissing a g-girl." I replied sobbing. She got up and pulled me up as well.

"Come on Josh let's go home." She said softly. I nodded my head as we walked back inside to borrow Eddie's car keys. I stood next to Y/N crying, while she talked to Eddie.

"Hey Eddie, can we borrow your car keys?" Y/N asked him.

"Anything for you dawg. Take care." Eddie replied as he gave Y/N the keys. We then walked to Eddie's car and drove to Y/N's house. I slowly stopped crying as it started to hurt my head.

Y/N's POV:

I watched as Josh slept peacefully on the couch. I can't believe Mully would kiss someone other than Josh, he had told me he had a crush on Josh. I went on my phone to text Smashing.

Y: Hey Smashing, I'm at my house. Josh is upset so I'll talk to you tomorrow.

S: Alright. Talk tomorrow, love you <3

Y: Love you too <3

Mully's POV:

I walked away from the group of girls, regretting the poor decision I had made. I scanned the club looking for Josh, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I then walked over to Smashing to ask him if he had seen Josh.

"Hey mate, have you seen Josh?" I asked him.

"Josh is at Y/N's house. She said he was upset about something." He replied. Oh shit, he had seen I thought to myself.

"Okay thanks." I replied as I walked away. It's all my fault, if only I hadn't kissed that girl, but I was drunk, and she took advantage of that. I am still drunk, and I should leave before I do something that everyone would hate me for. I walked outside and hopped into the back of my car where I slowly fell asleep.

Josh's POV:

I woke up to the smell of someone cooking pancakes. I went to the kitchen and saw Y/N sitting at the table with two plates of freshly cooked pancakes. She handed me one and I sat down to eat.

"Morning Josh. I have to go get shopping soon." She said happily. 

"Morning Y/N and okay." I replied between mouthfuls of pancakes. She finished eating and got up to go get ready. She gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. I got up and put my plate in the sink before sitting on the couch to watch T.V. I sighed as I remembered last night and what had happened. I heard a notification on my phone, so I checked to see what it was.

E: The boys and I are heading back to America. We had fun staying with you Aussies.

J: Thanks mate. See you again soon.

M: Have a safe trip home.

I immediately turned my phone off when I saw Mully message. I kept hearing notifications on my phone, but I ignored it.

*A week later*

Y/N's POV:

I finally got Josh to have a shower and then I made him eat something. He had stopped taking care of himself after what had happened with Mully but after a week he was finally clean.

"Josh I'm going to Smashing's today. Will you be okay without me?" I asked him. He looked at me with a little bit of light in his eyes. The bags that were under his eyes were also gone.

"Yeah, I'll be right. I'll just record a video." He replied. I smiled as I grabbed the car keys.

"Good idea mate." I said as I walked out the door. Finally, I can see Smashing again.

Josh's POV:

I went up to my room to record a reaction video. When I finished, I started editing it thinking about how my fans were probably worried about me. I finished editing and finally uploaded it. I quickly walked downstairs and watched T.V while drinking a coffee. I heard a knock on the front door, so I got up to go see who it was.

Mully's POV:  

I stood at Y/N's front door thinking about what I should say to Josh when he opened the door. He looked at me surprised and I stared right back until my heart took over. I quickly leaned in and kissed him, and he kissed back. He pulled me inside before shutting the door. I pushed him onto the couch, I was on top of him.

"Let's go to my room." Josh whispered. I got off of him and followed him to his room. I locked the door and pushed him onto the bed, so I was on top. I started kissing him and he kissed me back. I slid my tongue into his mouth as we fought for dominance, I won of course. I took my tongue out of his mouth and took his shirt off. I started kissing his chest then his neck, leaving hickeys everywhere as he moaned quietly. He then took my shirt off before I took of both of our pants leaving us in only our boxers. We both had boners.

"You ready Joshy?" I asked him. He nodded his head. I quickly took off our boxers and started to stroke his dick. He started moaning loudly. "Ah! Fuck this feels so good." I smiled before putting his tip in my mouth and started sucking it. "DADDY!" Josh moaned really loud. I took his dick out of my mouth and got back on top of him. I lined my dick up with his hole before going inside of him. "Damn Josh, you're so tight." I groaned and he smiled at me. I started to thrust into him slowly. "Harder Daddy." He moaned. I started thrusting harder and faster and he became a moaning mess. "I'M ABOUT TO." Josh moaned loudly. "Me too." I groaned before I cummed inside him and he cummed all over my chest. I layed down beside him, we were both breathing heavily. He then cuddled into me, and we both slowly fell asleep.

(A/N: Thanks for reading, sorry it short. Have a nice day/night.)

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