Chapter 18

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Smashing's POV:

I heard a car horn out the front of Dose's house, it sounded like Josh's car. A minute later I saw Dose leading Y/N towards me, and I quickly stood up. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before we both sat down, and Dose walked away to prepare our food.

"Wow, this is so beautiful." Y/N said as I took in the stunning beauty of her silky long red dress. I then looked back up into her gorgeous eyes. 

"Well, I can't take all the credit. Dose did help." I replied as she smiled at the beautiful scenery. I looked over Y/N shoulder and saw Dose coming with a tray that had two plates on it.

"Your food." Dose said politely. I smiled as I watched him give us two plates that both had lamb and veggies. He then gave Y/N a wine and gave me a Jack Daniel. He then walked away again until he would be needed. We both dove straight into the food.

"It's so delicious. It's the best lamb I've ever had." Y/N said as she took another bite of the lamb.

"Well, I guess a camera man can be good at two things." I replied as I took a sip of my drink.

"I'm just confused to why we're having a fancy dinner in Dose's backyard." Y/N said puzzled.  

"Can I not have an amazing dinner with my attractive girlfriend?" I questioned. She smiled as she finished her dinner. I went on my phone to text Dose and let him know we were ready for dessert.

Y/N's POV:

I watched as Smashing turned off his phone and Dose walked in with a delicious looking cheesecake. I then watched as Dose stood back to watch. Smashing gave me a slice and I ate it as it made my mouth water. After we had finished, I saw Smashing nod his head at Dose so I whipped my head around to see Dose holding his phone recording us. I then looked back at Smashing as he helped pull me up off the ground. He then knelt down on one knee and pulled something out of his pants pocket. I covered my mouth in shock.

"Y/N, since the first day I saw you, I wanted you to be mine. You were the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever looked at, you still are. All the drama we went through and the only thing on my mind was you. When we broke up, I still wanted you. And even now after all this drama with the baby I still want to be with you. Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" He asked. I screamed my head off as happy tears fell down my cheeks.

"YES!" I shouted. He quickly stood up and gave me a tight hug. He then slipped the ring onto my finger and gave me a kiss.

"Ayden, I'm so happy to have found you." I whispered. He smiled.

"Me too Y/N." He replied as I saw Dose walk back inside.

Dose's POV:

I walked inside and sent the video to the group chat with the boys. They pretty much all saw it at the same time and started to blow up my phone.


J: I'm so happy for them!

Ju: Congratulations from across the world! When's the wedding?

D: No idea but I will defiantly tell you guys.

M: Cool. The dogs will be happy to see their owners happy.

N: Yo Mully, when are you and Josh getting married?

M: Shut up Narrator! 

J: Yeah, shut up!

Ju: Aww! Two lovebirds sticking together. 

E: I'm going to go tell Gabriela. See you soon boys!

D: I better go too. Bye boys.

I turned off my phone as I kept hearing it go off. They we probably being annoying to Mully and Josh. I went back outside to help Smashing and Y/N to the guest room they would be staying in.

Josh's POV:

Mully threw his phone annoyed at the fact that the boys wouldn't stop asking when we would get married. I got up and went upstairs to go to our bedroom. I layed on the bed and began to cry. I heard the door open then close and then I felt Mully sit beside me.

"What's wrong Joshy?" He asked as he began to rub my back. I slowly stopped crying as I felt like I had no tears left to cry.

"Will we ever get married, or do you just not love me that much?" I asked him as I rolled over to look him in the eyes. He slowly frowned.

"Josh, you mean the world to me. I'm just not ready yet. But one day you will officially be mine." He replied as he layed down and pulled me into a hug. He held me like that until we both fell asleep.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize until I remembered what had happened last night. I moved my hand and checked my hand to make sure it wasn't a dream. It was not, there was a stunning engagement ring on my finger. I stood up realizing I was still in a dress and had no change of clothes. I walked downstairs and saw Dose sitting in the loungeroom. I walked up to him.

"Um, Hey Dose. Do you have any spare clothes by any chance?" I asked as he looked up at me.

"Yeah, I should have a few spare things that I don't wear anymore that you could borrow." He replied as he got up and went into a room which was most likely his room. He came out with a t-shirt, shorts, a hoodie and some Nike shoes. He handed them to me.

"Hopefully the shoes should fit. If not, then I can look for more." He said as he sat down again.

"Alright, thanks Dose." I replied. I went to the bathroom to get changed. Luckily, the shoes did fit, and I didn't have to wear high heels everywhere. I just hope Smashing wouldn't get angry I was wearing another boy's clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Smashing walking down the stairs.

"Morning Ayden." I said cheerfully. He looked at me and smiled at me.

"Morning. Are those Dose's clothes your wearing?" He asked. I gulped.

"Yeah, please don't be mad. It gets uncomftable to wear a dress and high heels everywhere." I replied as he smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad. Also, we better go home." He said as he headed for the door.

"Bye Dose thanks for everything." We both said in unison. With that we were out the door and heading to the car.

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