Chapter 5

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Y/N's POV:
I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes. Time to wake up to make breakfast for me and Josh I thought. I got up and quietly walked downstairs trying not to wake Josh who was still asleep on the couch. I got to the kitchen and then Garfield came in from nowhere and started meowing loudly. I told him to be quiet and gave him some breakfast. I started to make some bacon and eggs when I heard Josh wake up. I put our food on plates and took them to the table. I sat down and started eating.

"Morning Y/N." Josh said as he sat down to eat.

"Morning Josh. Are you feeling better?" I asked him as I finished eating.

"Yeah, a bit. I'm still a little upset." He replied sighing. 

"That's okay, now hurry up. We have to clean up before the boys get here." I said as I stood up.

"Okay. I'll be finished soon." Josh replied. I went on my phone to tell Smashing to come to my house at 12pm. I also told him to tell Mully.

Smashing's POV: 

I finished reading the text Y/N has sent me and started wondering why Mully and I needed to go to her house. Was it something to do with Josh? Oh well, I'll find out when I get there. I quickly went on my phone to text Mully and let him know.

S: Hey Mull, Y/N texted me saying we need to be at hers at 12pm.

M: Alright thanks mate. Did she say why?

S: No, just be there at 12pm

M: Okay see you there.

I turned my phone off and put it on the bench. I should probably go get dressed and ready to go to Y/N's. I felt my cheeks start to burn up.

Eddie's POV:

The boys and I landed at the airport. Finally, it took forever I thought. We got off the plane and I asked Gabby to get my suitcase so I could text Josh. I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

E: Hey Dawg! Just landed at the airport. Which house do we go to?

J: Nice! Come to Y/N's house. Her address is 78 band street. (Not a real address.)

E: Alright thanks dawg! Be there soon.

I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket. I took my suitcase from Gabby, and we all walked to the front of the airport and waited for the Uber. When it finally arrived, we all hopped in, and I told the driver the address we needed to go to.

Josh's POV:

I quickly texted Dose telling him that we needed him for a video we were recording today. I then turned my phone off and just watched YouTube on the T.V. I was thinking about how nervous I was to see Mully. I heard a knock on the door, Y/N was still getting dressed so I got up to see who it was. It was Smashing. He's early which is strange for him.

"Hey Josh! Where's Y/N?" Smashing asked as he walked inside.

"She's upstairs getting dressed. I didn't know you missed her already." I replied as I shut the door.

"W-What? N-No I d-don't." He replied starting to blush. I laughed. 

"Yeah, I'm sure you don't." I said laughing. I looked at the stairs and saw Y/N walking down. Smashing's eyes lit up.


As I walked down the stairs in my boy's hoodie and black leggings, I saw Smashing. I started to blush, he looked so hot in his dark green hoodie and light blue beanie.

"H-Hey Smashing." I said as I sat down next to Josh on the couch.

"H-Hey Y/N." He replied hiding his face from me. Josh looked at the both of us and smiled. I shook my head, but Josh just nodded. I rolled my eyes at him. I then heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it!" Josh yelled. He got up and I took a quick glance at Smashing.

Eddie's POV: 

The boys and I stood at the door waiting. Dose had arrived at the same time as us and was really shocked to see us. I guess Josh had kept it a surprise. Someone opened the door.

"Hey Eddie, Juicy, Narrator, Gabby and Dose! Come inside." Josh said very excited.

"Hey Josh!' We all replied together as we walked inside. Smashing saw us all walk in, and he jumped up to give us all hugs. I then saw a girl get up off the couch and walk over to us. It must be Y/N.

"Hey guys, where's Mully?" I asked them. I noticed Josh go red, but I didn't think anything of it.

"No idea. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all." Y/N replied smiling. Gabby and Y/N went into the loungeroom to talk. I dragged Josh into the kitchen away from the others.

"Hey Dawg, it's nice to see you again. I thought Y/N said you were sad." I said to him. He hugged me.

" I was but not anymore. Not since you guys are here." He replied. We walked back to where the boys were and started talking about where we should go for the video. Now we only have to wait for Mully I thought.

Mully's POV:

I finally arrived at Y/N's house after being on a call with my girlfriend for half an hour. Damn, she was so annoying! I had only been dating her for two days, but I already wanted to break up. I hopped out of my car and walked up to the door. I knocked on the door and Josh opened it.

"Hey mate, sorry I'm late. I was on a call with my girlfriend, and she didn't want to hang up." I said. I saw the colour  drain from Josh's face when I mentioned my girlfriend. Hmm weird I thought.

"Come in." Josh replied dryly. I walked in and saw all the boys and Dose. Wow what a surprise! I gave them all hugs; Josh was the only one who refused.

"Let's go record boys." Dose said as he walked out the door.

"Smashing, Y/N and Gabby stay here." Josh yelled as he walked out the door. We all went to Dose's car and hopped in. I was so excited to record with the boys.

Smashing's POV:

The boys left to go record leaving only Gabby Y/N and I. I looked at Y/N and caught her looking at me. I quickly looked away slightly blushing. Gabby noticed and smiled.

"Um so what now?" I asked trying to break the silence. 

"Well, I'm going to go see one of my friends so you guys can stay here and do whatever." Gabby said with a grin on her face. Before I could reply she was up and out the door. I sighed then blushed realizing me and Y/N were alone. I looked over at her and she was hiding her face in her hoodie. She was so cute! But what do we do now?

Y/N's POV:

I hid in my hoodie trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"You want to watch a movie?" Smashing asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah. You can decide what we watch." I replied coming out from my hoodie. I still couldn't believe Gabby had left me alone with him. Smashing put on a movie then put the remote on the coffee table. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I started to blush but after a while I rested my head on his shoulder. I watched the movie which was one of my favourites. After two hours the movie finally finished, and Smashing turned the T.V off. He looked me in the eyes, and I looked right back at him. He leaned in and we were about to kiss when the front door swung open, and I heard Juicy yell. We quickly jumped away from each other, both blushing a dark shade of red. 

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