Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV:

I knocked on the front door of the address Gabby had given me, praying I had gotten it right. Sure enough, Eddie opened the front door.

"Hey Dawg! What are you doing here?" Eddie asked as he let me inside.

"Didn't Gabby tell you? I'm here to visit you." I replied as I looked around for Gabby.

"No, she didn't. Makes sense why she went shopping." He replied as we both sat on the couch.

"So, she's not here right now?" I asked as Eddie went on his phone. He shook his head and I sighed. I guess I'll have to wait for Gabby.

Eddie's POV:

"Why exactly did you come to America by yourself?" I asked Y/N as she watched T.V.

"I missed you guys too much." She replied smiling. I knew there was real reason, but I couldn't be bothered finding out what it was. I just smiled and nodded my head slowly. I should text Gabby and let her know Y/N was here.

E: Hey Gabby, Y/N's here.

G: Amazing! I'll be there in 10 minutes.

E: Alright!

I turned my phone off and sighed. If only I knew the true reason for why Y/N's visiting. 

Gabby's POV:

I walked inside and put the shopping bags down near the front door. I then ran to Y/N and gave her a tight hug. 

"Hey Bestie! Let's go upstairs to talk." I said loudly. She smiled at me.

"Okay queen." She replied as she walked towards the stairs.

"Also, Eddie please put the bags away." I said pointing at the bags by the door. I then lead Y/N to one of the spare guest rooms.

"Okay, you will sleep in here. Now tell me the reason for why you're visiting without any of the boys." I said looking Y/N dead in the eye.

"Well, um, Smashing broke up with me." She replied quietly. I was so shocked.

"HE DID WHAT?" Eddie yelled as he brought in Y/N's suitcase.

"Smashing broke up with me." She repeated as she started to cry. Me and Eddie hugged her.

Mully's POV: 

I sat in my office thinking about what had happened at the hospital. Well, Tannar and Lannan knew about my crush on Josh and supported me. I then started thinking about Josh, damn did I miss him. I missed his adorable blue eyes and his cute voice. I just missed being around him. Maybe I should ask him if he wanted to record. I turned on my computer and opened Discord. Ah! Should I message him or not. I take a deep breath before I began typing.

M: Hey Josh! Just wondering if you want to record.

J: Hell yeah! Will we do a reaction video?

M: Yeah, we can do you laugh you tweet.

J: Sweet, I'll call

I joined the call and saw Josh's face pop up on my screen. I started blushing. This will be a difficult recording I thought to myself.

Josh's POV:

As Mully and I were recording I noticed him blushing a lot. I then thought of something to say.

"Hey Mull, are you actually going to laugh or are you just going to sit there like a tomato?" I asked smiling. He blushed even redder as he tried to look away.

"Shut the fuck up. I just don't want to tweet anything." Mully replied as he looked back at the camera. I rolled my eyes, and he played another video. After a few more videos he laughed.

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