Chapter 15

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Y/N's POV:

"So, what now?" I asked Smashing as we sat on the couch watching T.V. We had finished helping my family settle into Josh's house and now we had nothing to do.

"I don't know. I should find a hotel to stay in." He replied. I looked at him smiling.

"What if you didn't have to book a hotel." I said grinning. He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he placed his hand on my leg.

"Ayden, will you move in with me?" I asked him. He smiled before hugging me tightly.

"Yes! I would love too!" He replied as he leaned in and gave me a kiss. I smiled.

Mully's POV:

"Come on Josh, we need to get to the airport." I announced loudly as Josh quickly went to grab something from my room. He came back with one of my hoodies.

"Okay let's go!" He said loudly as he ran outside. I rolled my eyes before following him to the car and hopping in.

"Seriously, you needed to take my hoodie." I said as I started the car engine. He smiled.

"Yes, I did. So, then I have a piece of you wherever I go." He replied. I smiled as I took a quick glance at him.

"That's so cute. I love you too Josh." I said happily. 

"I never said that I loved you." He replied. I sighed.

"Well, do you love me?" I asked him. He looked at me beaming.

"Of course, I do." He replied as we arrived at the airport. We got out of the car and grabbed our stuff from the boot. We were both really excited to go back to Adelaide to see Y/N and Smashing again and to also meet Y/N's family.

Smashing's POV:

I got off my phone after talking with my friend about bringing all my stuff to Y/N's house. He said he could probably bring some of it over in about a week.

"Y/N, I'm going shopping. Be back soon." I called out as I grabbed the car keys.

"Alright, bye Smashing." She replied as I walked outside to go to the car. I hopped in a looked up the address I needed to go to on google maps.

*20 minutes later*

Okay I've arrived. I hopped out of my car and went to the person's door and knocked on it. Someone opened the door.

"Hello, I'm here to buy a puppy." I said nervously. The man smiled.

"Oh yes. Come on inside, there in the living room." The man replied. I walked inside and went to the living room. I saw the cutest puppies ever and knew Y/N would love to have one.

Y/N's POV:

I was sitting on the couch when I heard the front door open. I looked around and saw Smashing with a blindfold. I was really confused.

"Come with me Y/N, I have a surprise for you." He said as he tied the blindfold over my eyes.

"Okay. I hope it's not a snake." I replied. He laughed quietly as he walked me outside. I heard him open the car door and I started to worry.

"Okay take your blindfold off." He told me and I listened. I slipped it off and saw two adorable kelpie puppies. The male was red, and the female was black. I started to cry happy tears.

"Thank you so much Ayden. You're the best boyfriend ever." I said as I gave him a hug. He hugged me back.

"I was only meant to get one but these two were inseparable. Just like us." He replied blushing. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"That's so sweet. Have they got names?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I thought you could name them." He replied as I gave both the dogs hugs. We walked back inside with both of the dogs following us.

"I'll think about what to call them." I said as he sat on the couch with the dogs. I smiled. I am so glad I found Smashing. 

Josh's POV:

We arrived at Y/N's house and knocked on the door. Smashing opened the door and looked shocked to see us.

"G'day boys. I didn't know you guys were coming." Smashing said as he let us inside. Y/N got off the couch and walked up to us with two kelpie puppies following her.

"We decided to keep it a surprise. Aw! When did you guys get puppies?" Mully asked as he gave both of the puppy's pats on the head. 

"Smashing brought them for me today." Y/N replied her face a little red. I smiled as the puppies walked over to me.

"What a kind boyfriend. Have they got names?" I asked as I looked at Smashing's face. He was really red. I looked at Mully and smiled and he smiled back.

"Well, no. I'm still thinking of some names." Y/N replied as she looked at me and Mully.

"Well, me and Mully need to tell you something." I said as I began to blush. I looked over at Mully who was also as red as a tomato.

"WE'RE DATING!" I yelled scaring the puppies a little bit. Smashing and Y/N looked at each and then at us. Y/N gave me a hug before going back to Smashing's side.

"Congratulations. We knew you two would be a thing soon." Smashing replied and Y/N nodded her head. 

"I'm still so happy for you guys though." Y/N replied before she excused herself to go to the toilet.

Gabby's POV:

I was at chilling on the couch watching T.V with Gaege when I got a message from Y/N. I opened it and my mouth opened in shock.

Y: I'm bleeding from my you know where.

G: That's not supposed to happen. Your pregnant!

Y: I know that's why I'm telling you. What do I do?

G: First of all, stay calm. Secondly, tell Smashing. He'll take you to the hospital straight away.

Y: Okay. Thanks Gabby. I'll let you know what happens. Talk to you later.

I turned my phone off worried. Y/N is pregnant and shouldn't be bleeding. Let's just hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Y/N's POV:

I ran down the stairs crying. I hugged Smashing as soon as I reached the boys.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Smashing asked me. I looked up at him, still crying.

"I'm bleeding from my you know what." He hugged me back tightly before pushing me off of him and grabbing my hand. I started to worry that he was angry at me.

"Isn't that normal for a woman?" Mully asked and Smashing rolled his eyes.

"Not for a pregnant woman. You guys stay here and take care of the dogs. I'm taking Y/N to the hospital." Smashing said as he grabbed my arm and rushed me to the car. He helped me in before running over to his side and jumping in. He held onto my hand as we sped to the hospital.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions for what the dog's names should be let me know. Have an amazing day/night. <3

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