Chapter 24

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Eddie's POV:

I woke up and checked the time on my phone, it was 8am. I rolled over and shook Gabby until she woke up.

"What do you want Eddie?" She asked tiredly.

"We need to get ready to go. Our flight leaves in 2 hours." I replied as she groaned as she got up to get ready. I left the room to wake up the rest of the boys. They all had the same reaction as Gabby but did eventually get up. I then went into Y/N and Smashing's room to wake them up, but I took a quick photo first because they were so cute together. I then walked over to the side of the bed and gently woke Y/N up.

"Wake up Y/N. Otherwise, we'll leave without saying goodbye."  I said and Y/N immediately woke up and jumped into my arms. I gently placed her back down on the ground.

"I don't want you to leave Eddie." She replied and Smashing slowly woke up.

"What are you doing Eddie?" He asked as he got up and out of bed.

"I'm just coming to wake you up because we need to leave soon." I replied as I started to leave the room to allow them to get dressed.

Smashing's POV:

I looked over at Y/N and she looked really upset so I walked over to her and gave her a tight hug.

"I don't want them to leave so soon." She sobbed and I patted her back.

"I know Y/N, but they do have pets that need them." I replied and she slowly stopped crying.

"Yeah, your right. Now let's get changed." Y/N replied, and I nodded my head. We walked over to the closet and grabbed some clothes and got changed before going downstairs.

"Your finally awake." Josh said and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Josh, we just needed some time." I replied and he laughed. Eddie called Y/N over to him and she walked over to him, and they took a few selfies together so they could remember how much fun they had together.

"Before you guys leave, I just want to say thanks for all your help." Y/N said as she began to cry a little. Eddie walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"We'd do anything to help a friend." Gabby replied and the rest of the boys agreed.

"Before we go, let's go make some Fairy bread." Eddie said and we looked shocked.

"Seriously, you want to make Fairy bread?" Y/N asked, and Eddie nodded his head.

"We have half an hour left until we have to leave." Eddie replied.

"How about we play truth or dare instead." Mully suggested and we nodded our heads.

Mully's POV:

We all went to the loungeroom and sat down; I was sitting next to Josh like normal. I looked at everyone to see if they all seated and ready. When they were I started the game.

"Hmm, Narrator, Truth or dare?" I asked and Narrator thought for a minute.

"Truth!" He replied and I sighed hoping he would have said dare.

"Is it true you do have a girlfriend you're just hiding her from us?" I asked.

"No, it is not. I'm still single." He replied sadly and we all laughed.

"Okay, Gabby, Truth or Dare?" Narrator asked.

"Dare!" Gabby exclaimed and Eddie covered his ears. We all laughed.

"I dare you to post an embarrassing picture of yourself." Narrator said and Gabby sighed as she took out her phone and posted a picture on Twitter. We all looked at it and laughed.

"Okay done. Now, truth or dare Josh?" Gabby asked and I gripped his hand tighter.

"Um, Truth." He replied looking at me and I smiled. Gabby thought for a minute.

"If you had to murder someone, who would it be?" Gabby asked and Josh looked shocked.

"Mul- just kidding. Probably one of my ex-girlfriends that was a bitch." Josh replied and I smiled at him. We continued to play for 20 more minutes having heaps of fun and just enjoying each other's company until the Americans had to leave again.

Y/N's POV:

 I looked over at Eddie as he started to get up and then helped Gabby up. I sighed as I got up to go give them hugs before they left.

"I guess this means you guys need to go to the airport now?" I asked and Eddie nodded his head.

"Yeah, sorry Y/N. We had a fun time while we were here though." Eddie replied as he grabbed his suitcase and walked towards the front door.

"Wait Eddie! I want to say bye to Taco and Fruity." Juicy said before he ran towards the backdoor to say goodbye to the dogs. He came back a minute later and gave me a hug.

"Bye Y/N, Smashing, Mully and Josh!" They all yelled before walking out the front door. I sighed as I went to the backdoor to let Taco and Fruity back inside. I then went back over to the couch and sat down next to Smashing.

"So, what now?" Josh asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm going to go record a VR video if you want to join." Mully replied and Josh just smiled at him. They went upstairs and into the gaming room to record.

"I'm going to go join them. Want to come?" Smashing asked and I shook my head. 

"No thanks. You boys just go have fun." I replied and Smashing ran up the stairs not wanting to miss out. As I sat on the couch listening to all their screaming and shouting, I thought about how lucky I was to find friends like them. And even more important, I found the love of my life. 

A/N: And that's the end. Sorry it was probably the most boring ending ever, but I hope you enjoyed the whole story. I will be writing two more new stories very soon and one will be another Smashing+Reader because _Stoopid69420 wanted me to write some more.

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